Is the Big A coming here sooooooooooooon?
by Iamallcool 23 Replies latest jw friends
We can’t deny that the current unstable world economy, the various political upraising in different countries and the resent earth quakes, are giving a sort of credibility to the Watchtower apocalyptic message. And there is no doubt that (in a sick way) the “witnesses” are rejoicing over these events, as they see them as a sign that the “end of the world” is near and that their deliverance as the only super survivors is at hand. And to be honest…I hate that. Not only because it shows how insensitivity the witnesses have become towards the suffering of their neighbors, but also because it boosts their self-importance and arrogance as they and the WT are the “only ones that been giving warnings about these things for a long time” (so they say).
But you know what…they still wrong, they are still a damaging Christianized religion, and they’re still not the “Truth”. Their religion does not protect them from these things, they still losing their jobs and struggling to support their families, the same as non-JW, they still die in natural disasters, the same as non-JW, and they are not the only ones that see these events as a sign of the end-times.
No matter how bad things get, the Watchtower is still WRONG! WRONG! WRONG!….period.
Matthew 24:44 (NASB)
For this reason you also must be ready; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not think He will.
You also must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected.
im stuck in
onemore I concur. The Watchtower will always use this as a scare tactic to hold and gain new people. Remember there have always been earthquakes and they will always be as long as this earth continues. And this one is not the largest to ever hit. As for the world situation I think that the governments are doing a lot to bring this unrest in the middle east about for their own personal gain and to set up a new economy. stuck in
My mom was getting pretty frothy about this one. I have to say that the Japanese news footage was pretty freaky.
Funny Blondie, I was just reading essentially the same passage last night, totally by coincidence(?), except at Luke 12:40!
The only warning Jesus gave which involved action upon the faithful during the 1st century was the destruction of Jerusalem. The time between the warning & the actual event was 37 years which meant those that heard the warning would be alive to benefit from it. JW's century long warning is basically worthless. Those that heard it first lived out their lives with no consequences one way or the other. Same with the second, third and forth generations. Warning people continuously of impending doom is self defeating as obviously no one is listening. Jesus' warning was for a specific generation & during that generation all the rest of end time prophey would be fulfilled. Figure a generation as it actually should be (20 - 40 years) & it becomes evident that this one isn't it either.
as a witness i never felt arrogant. never felt that i was something better than the rest. actually, it was the opposite. but of course. there are high nosed witnesses, but i had a few friends which definatley wern´t.
The WTS has a continuing feed of information that they can exploit their END TIMES prophecy to use in their publications.
Natural disasters such as earthquakes will never stop and there is an indefinite possibility that the WTS will be around
exploiting the fears and insecurities that these situations produce.
Sorry but the Armageddon spoken in the bible is a fictitious story similar to the great flood, done so to create relevance
of power and protection offered by the god known as Yahweh to the people of ancient Judea.
The WTS has always culled people by acts of fearful provocation and eternal Paradise to those who join the organization.
Its manipulative, devious and corrupt but its unfortunately covered over by religious virtuosity.