A recent Earthquake in Japan.Labor protests all across the United States.Unrest in the Middle East, the Jw's must be just too happy for these are signs of the end times. These people are truly sick at taking pleasure in the suffering of others.
Is the Big A coming here sooooooooooooon?
by Iamallcool 23 Replies latest jw friends
Is the Big A coming here sooooooooooooon?
Did I hear right? They said on the news this is the worst one to hit Japan since 1898.....NOT 1914 but ...1898.
Nathan Natas
Yes, and it's been coming "soon since 1799.
Dream on, dreamers.
My son just call from Hawaii, up all nite horns blowing all nite
the waves 6ft. He told me Dad Iam going back to sleep, no big
I may add, sorry to hear about the people in Japan..
Kids, they make you worry your butt off!!!
Jam wrote:
My son just call from Hawaii, up all nite horns blowing all nite the he waves 6ft.
He told me Dad Iam going back to sleep, no big
Do you still believe in a Armageddon? I never did...
Why did you become JW? Did you believe in the Big A then?
No this just a natural earth cycle.
Are you talking about the Big A in Brooklyn? Gerrit Lösch? Is he planning a visit? I wonder if the other six A's will be with him?
Oh, you're talking about Armageddon! Gee, hope not. I really want to see Season 4 of Breaking Bad and it doesn't start until July.
Pathetic, childish, doomsday cult nonsense.