Now that pi Day is just about over, I'm "e"-gerly looking foward to "e" Day: 2.7.18. . . .
Happy Pi Day!
by Twitch 45 Replies latest jw friends
926The bible writers about the molten sea water basin in the temple courtyard had pi down to the first digit: -- 3. but they were probably measuring at different places of the large vessel, the neck, the rim. but 3 is close enough 5% better than some of the bible that is totally wrong.
Dazed not confused, that was awesome numerology 3,141592653 , because: March 14, 15, 9:26 :53 seconds just passed an hour ago on the continental US. wow. thanks, predicted a year ago!
Who doesn't like pi?
And here was me thinking “Magnum”.
Any 70s/80s kids on here should get that!
Really? No one?
To love pi is irrational