On Bio channel the other night was an episode of "I Survived" where a guy was shot in the head and was dead for about five minutes, then in a coma for around four weeks after being revived. While recounting his story, he talks about being literally in hell, chained within a tiny dark cell oppressed by evil all around for what felt like forever. He attributes his visit there to having a selfish, materialistic lifestyle at the time of his death and he has vowed to turn his life around so that when he dies again, he won't have to return there. He was "scared straight" if you will.
Now, this thread isn't to discuss whether the hell this guy went to is a literal place that a soul goes or whether it is an extremely real feeling mental experience of the oxygen-starved brain with a bullet in the right side.
What I thought of while watching this is, if this guy's subconscious guilt over his decadent lifestyle was the cause of this horrible, hellish experience upon his death, isn't it possible or even likely that other people who die feeling or knowing that they have done wrong might also experience a "hell" of their own as their brain shuts down? This got me thinking about Ted Jaracz, who had to know how evil his pedophile protection policies have been, and I smiled to think that his last thoughts for all eternity were those described by this guy on "I Survived."
Even if it is not a literal place for a literal soul (and I believe it isn't), if a person's very last thought and feeling is that of an eternally torturous hell, isn't that perhaps justice enough? I mean, this guy said he felt like he was there forever just in those few minutes and was completely disoriented when he came out (saved by a giant bright hand from the sky, no less). So if with one's last thought one thinks and feels they serve forever in hell, does it really matter if it is real or if it is forever? It is real to him.
It is interesting to note also that on these sorts of TV shows, there are probably two or three dozen people who see a light and a tunnel and feel warm and cozy and loved for every one that experiences some sort of hellish "afterlife."