@tec Again, ridiculously convoluted for somebody all-powerful with the presumed ability to be completely unambiguous if he/she/it wanted. No thanks.
The question was "what evidence would it take for you to believe in god?" I gave my answer. The evidence would have to be something unambiguous, obvious, and not subject to "interpretation" (which, let's face it, the Bible totally is). Not circular logic like "the Bible is evidence that god exists. Because the Bible says so."
It would have to be everybody on earth and with the same message because, as I said, an appearance to a single person but not to others either signifies either delusion or god being a favoritist prick (whatever "reasons" you might come up with to justify said favoritist prickishness). As far as I'm concerned, there is no #3. If there is a god, he's presumably a big boy and if he cares to personally and unequivocally address me and everyone else on earth, quit the vague "it's all in my book, which has been interpreted thousands of ways over thousands of years" bullshit and cut out all the conflicting middle men, he knows where to find us. Hell, I invite it. But it hasn't happened yet.