Bully Gets A Reality Check
by PublishingCult 10 Replies latest jw friends
That first video is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Classic. It reminded me of when Rampage power bombed Arona. Beautiful, its a wonder he didn't brake dude's neck. I like how Rampage gets down.
Mad Sweeney
I like the third one. Kid tries to let the bully off the hook by not taking the bait and then the shirtless wonder pushes the issue and gets PWN3D!
That was awesome. That is how you deal with a bully. You don't let them get a shot in, you just take them DOWN.
Yep number 3 is just awesome.
Broken Promises
The first video hit the Australian news yesterday. Both the boys have been suspended from the Sydney school.
I bet the young bully will now think twice before picking on someone bigger than him!
lol sweet
Number 1 was perfect. Yeah, Rampage would be proud of that kid.
Number 3 reminds me of this line from Gran Torino @ the 50 second mark.
awesome...videos like that bring a smile to my face
The first one is brutal and scary; I'm glad the school is taking action and hopefully the parents do as well. Good lesson for them both, I suppose.
The second one is great. Loved it. (not sure its real or put on, though)
I also loved that the kid in the third one kept trying to back away from the fight. Unfortunately, shirtless wonder kept pushing it. Of course, he couldn't have backed down, now could he? Had to be tough with the girls and friends watching and also taping. I'd like to think he learned a lesson. But sometimes they do, and sometimes they just come back harder, and with backup. (thankfully, no one watching joined in and ganged up on the other kid, but he couldn't have known that)
Elderly people get bullied too, that young guy followed the wrong man