I believe his rap name is "Je-hizzle".
Is that right?
What's the hand sign? I can suggest one...
by Alfred 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I believe his rap name is "Je-hizzle".
Is that right?
What's the hand sign? I can suggest one...
I heard the whisperings of an angel...
the rap tetragrammaton is YO HE YO MOMMAHO
What upsets me about this, is that the Governing Body, aka The Faithful and Discreet Slave, is so arrogant to have based the lives of millions of people on the 'fact' that they alone speak for Jehovah, that Jehovah is using them as his organization and yet they don't even know his name! http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/34547/1/A-classic-case-of-WT-dishonesty
I really don't have an issue with anyone using the name Jehovah, what I do have an issue with is passing it off as THE name of God when it clearly is not, what I do have issues with is saying that one MUST use the term Jehovah and what I have issues with is the WT itself clearly states, as been shown, that the only reason they use THAT term is because it was "popular" at one time.
Lets not even go there that Jesus said to his apostles in Acts Chpater 1, that they are to be witness TO HIM.
If anything, Christians should be called Jesus's witnesses, or Christ's witnesses or Jaheshua's Witnesses.
There is a reason they use... and call themselves... by the name "Jehovah" (may you all have peace!): it is the name they are permitted to profane. The Most Holy One of Israel, JAH... of Armies ("VeH")... has a name that is hallowed, sanctified, clean. He would never allow them to profane His name in the manner and as they have the one they bear. They are witnesses for the god "Jehovah"... and their "works" show this, as well as that they do NOT belong to the Most Holy One of Israel, JaHVeH.
Again, peace to you all!
A slave of JaHeShua, who is the Christ and the One who comes in the name of JAH,
People just don't use the name "Yaweh."
Google's THREE MILLION TWO HUNDRED THIRTY THOUSAND hits for the term "Yahweh" say otherwise.
Do more people use "Jehovah" than "Yahweh"? Of course, because the JW cult is a lot bigger than Yahweh ben Yahweh's cult. But outside of the minor sects that use either name, almost nobody uses EITHER one or knows what they are. So when the JWs claim that they have made God's name known, they are absolutely wrong for two reasons.
First, they don't even use God's name.
Second, neither the incorrect name that they use NOR the correct form of the name are "known" in any significant way. They are familiar to a small handful of deeply religious scholars and a larger handful of cultists and that's really about it.
During my study I got in the practice of saying "Jovah" after the Roman god.
Also, witnesses are known locally by some people as "Jovies".
During my study I got in the practice of saying "Jovah" after the Roman god.
Also, witnesses are known locally by some people as "Jovies".
A "worldly" workmate (who knows all about the cultishness of JWs thanks to me ) and happens to be friends with an active JW we both know told me how one day they were riding to lunch and as he put it, "I got Hova'd today".
"You got what?"
"Hova'd... You know, he's what you used to be, a Jehovah Witness. He tried preaching to me. I call it being 'hova'd'. He's trying to entice me to join the Jehovah cult."
Griping about the pronunciation of "Jehovah" rather than using the "more correct, YAHWEH" is just making a mountain out of a mole hill. It makes apostates seem like hair-splitters instead of a group of people who actually have some ligitimate arguments to make against Jehovah's Witnesses doctrinal beliefs.
The issue is consistency with principle.
If something is "true" it conforms as closely to reality as possible.
In a court of law, for example, the witness must swear not just to tell the truth. They must affirm by oath to tell THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH.
JW's have made a fetish out of God's name and dropped thinking of themselves as christians in favor of Jehovah's Christian Witnesses.
They Pharisee-like insist on every jot and tiddle of perfectionism with their theology until it comes to the most important thing: who they are serving, representing and worshipping INSTEAD OF merely being Christian.
Did Jesus die on a Cross or Stake? They made a fetish out of insisting it was a stake JUST TO BE ARGUMENTATIVE and DIFFERENTIATE themselves.
Isn't the FACT or NON FACT of the DEATH of Jesus more important (along with the subsequent resurrection) than what murder weapon was used?
Yes. But, they are nay-sayers to the bitter end.
Intellectual honesty and logical consistency would demand they be equally vigorous in leaving no stone unturned in the name of God.
They have never been ones to shy away from controversy or being viewed as oddballs. What is the harm in being the most accurate religion in terms of the pronunciation of God's Name and His Son's Name????
What is the price in being correct in this instance?
What is lost?
I prefer the 'jay hoover' version. It's not popular, politicaly correct, or linguistically correct. It's cool, though.