....just kidding.
I'm Going Back To The Meetings
by minimus 26 Replies latest jw friends
Why not? They offer such encouragement in these times of great strife.
Meetings suck.
I give you one more earthquake, you'll be there
White Dove
That's a good point. Of all the stupid drama people have dumped in my lap over the last year, I could have said oh woa is me...oh woa is me.
Know why? Because we were taught that the problems we face can't be dealt with sans God.
We can't solve our own problems.
We are just weak humans.
Every one of those stupid dramas fizzled out and/or were killed by moi, sans God.
I'm learning how to solve my own problems (or those dumped on me by others).
JW's seem to hang onto the helpless paradigm.
Ever notice how much they complain about life and the world, yet fail to get up and do something about it?
I've learned how to do for myself quite successfully, thanks to all of you and a brain that works at 100% capacity, like everyone else's.
troubled mind
AA will most likely be happy to have you back .....
Brother Minimus, it is indeed encouraging to see lost sheeple like yourself returning to the protection of Jehovah's organization before The End strikes the rest of us dead as a door nail; where we will be turned into either fodder for a lot of hungry birds, or fertilizer for all the lovely gardens in the Noo Cistern of Things.
By the way, here's that link you were asking me about: Sexaholic Anonymous