SS Hillary breaks her mooring because of tsunami of Presidential ineptitude

by NeckBeard 42 Replies latest social current

  • Iron Head
    Iron Head

    Designs, are you, by any chance, black? Dare I ask the question? Does it make me a racist?

  • designs

    Iron-head, what part of being Irish,Scottish, Welsh don't you get....

    James, suck it up man, Hillary's defection, if true, is the battle of two very bright individuals. Few Secretaries of State go the distance with their bosses.

  • Iron Head
    Iron Head

    Iron-head, what part of being Irish,Scottish, Welsh don't you get....

    maybe Black Irish hmmm

    Never answer a question with a question. Stand for who you are and what you believe in. Did your papa never teach you anything?

    What exactly are they teaching kids in school today? Hmmm?

  • designs

    That explains the Iron-head moniker

  • Iron Head
    Iron Head

    Unable to answer simple questions? Embarrassed?

  • james_woods
    Few Secretaries of State go the distance with their bosses.

    Good. Coming back (slowly) onto topic.

    Now - care to comment on the reason Hillary has said she will not continue into a second term? (my theory is that she wants to run herself)

    James, suck it up man, Hillary's defection, if true, is the battle of two very bright individuals.

    Suck up what? I am the topic police. You are released on your own recognizance with just a warning.

  • designs

    Irish, Scottish, Welsh is not an answer o geez.

    Jame, she wants to be President, true, no mystique there, she will run out of money like she did the last time and end up at least $400 million in the hole...But a galant effort none the less.

  • Iron Head
    Iron Head

    Irish, Scottish, Welsh is not an answer o geez

    I got your heritage. I'm asking about your skin color. You knew that

    O geez

  • skeeter1

    Hillary will not be the first or last woman in the world to do the hard job, and the boss gets the credit.

    Perhaps some smarty will invite Hillary Clinton onto Saturday Night Live and have her sing Dolly Parton's "9 to 5"?

  • BizzyBee

    "I like to know what I'm talking about before I speak."

    ~ Barack Obama

    What a refreshing change - a President who actually deliberates before taking us into another war in the Middle East!

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