"I always appreciate your encouragement..."...If we band of brothers, who spent most of our lives being controled by an unloving cult, don't encourge one another, who will? I do my best to live by "TheLaw of the Good Samaritain". You don't step around a body lying in a ditch. You stop and render whatever assistance you have within your power to do. A simple "Have a good day" to anyone, man, or woman, you cross paths with, may keep them from going home in a drunkin stupor and abusing their family.
by Quentin 13 Replies latest jw friends
I like to make a point to be nice to people I come across. It's hard to do when I am in a bad mood, but when I do it helps get in a good mood. Like if a waitress/waiter gets my order wrong I ask for it to be fixed, but I try to be as nice as I can about it because I know they get serious crap sometimes and I hate that.
I believe it to be a positive truth....you send out nice to people, or help someone to the best of your ability and it comes back double to you.
compound complex
Yeah, I believe that karma is real. What goes around, comes around...whether it be good or bad, so you'd better be putting more good out there than bad.
The good Samaritan thing is really something to think about... I suffered from depression for years and I really did feel like 'a body stepped around in a ditch'. There was just one Circuit Overseer who was kind to me. He just about broke my heart with his kindness, but it turned out his own daughter suffered from depression and had even attempted suicide... other than that, NADA. My depression was viewed as a spiritual problem and that was that.
Sorry to hear about your depression headisspinning. I also suffered from depression caused by anxiety. Being kind is really the key to good social behavior. You are right Quentin being kind does make a difference when we are dealing with others. I remember many years ago I was driving in a city that I was not from. I was kind of lost and looking for the street were my work was. I pulled out of a side street not realizing I cut someone offf. The next stop light this person got out of his car went up to my car and started shouting at me and wanting me to get out of my car and fight him. I looked at him and told him I was sorry I did that and I was lost and I did not mean to cut him off. I was sorry please forgive me. This guy went from crazy angry to apologetic. He apologize to me and said he was a christian and should not have gotten so mad. He shook my hand and told me to have a good day. I was in my 20's at the time and I learned a vaulable lesson. Be kind to others. It does work. The times I wasn't always ended up in disaster. Totally ADD
Mad Sweeney
In the organization, everything is a spiritual problem. Depression? Do more personal study, don't miss meetings, and get out in service. Ill health? Do more personal study, don't miss meetings unless you're contagious, and get out in service. Financial troubles? Do more personal study, don't miss meetings, and get out in service. The answer is the same for any problem anyone has.
On the topic of doing good to others, that was really the main thing Jesus commanded. The heart of the good news he preached was love and kindness.
It is interesting how this knowledge seems inherent in mankind. I was watching Ghostbusters 2 last night and even in a goofy supernatural comedy they seemed to realize that evil feeds on evil and good feeds on good.
Great comments all...individual kindness, small, big, or in between goes a long way to making another persons day, hard to do as well. I despise my son-in-law for all the pain and problems he has caused over the years. But, never, ever talk bad about him to his kids. Am always kind and greet him with a smile and frim handshake.
I believe Jesus trun the other cheek DOES not mean you let an other abuse you, rather, it does tie in with his core message. The Prodigal Son, The Good Samaritain, love your neighbor as yourself. All examples of encourgement and love shown to others.
More door knocking, more meetings, more wt book study ( not the Bible mind you ) does not focus on other's needs. It is selfish and moronic, simply because it shifts the focus on YOU, not what can be done for people in general.
Kindness and Compassion expressed as positive action, are the greatest weapons against evil in this world, and of the greatest benefit to the one expressing such qualities.