by Quentin 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    Headispinning . . . TotallyADD . . . many others . . . I went through the depression/anxiety thing too . . . without the kind CO . . . it's what precipitated my exit.

    Took 6-7 years to get it manageable (and hell came with me) . . . had no time for WT . . . WT had no time for me.

    The good samaritan parable is simply brilliant IMO. So much of what Christ taught is embodied in that single lesson. . . cuts through all religious/social/racial prejudices with amazing simplicity and clarity . . . only for WTBTS to carefully put the prejudices right back again! . . . staggering.

    I take seriously "this band of brothers" too . . . the shared JW experience has been intense . . . so too the bonds here. I really value this place.


  • Quentin

    "Kindness and Compassion expressed as positive action, are the greatest weapons against evil in this world, and of the greatest benefit to the one expressing such qualities"....wobble

    "The good samaritan parable is simply brilliant IMO. So much of what Christ taught is embodied in that single lesson. . . cuts through all religious/social/racial prejudices with amazing simplicity and clarity"....Murray Smith

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    You already know this, Quentin, because we've "talked." I wanted to say to others here, though, that some of us have fragile egos. Duh! Is it worse for us guys?

    This forum, however, has put me in touch with reality and helped me acquire a thicker skin. This is not a writers' nor musicians' nor artists' forum per se, but we all offer what is ours to give. I mainly wanted to say that Quentin and a few others have spurred me on - encouraged me - to the point that I no longer feel embarrassed about baring my soul in the manner which I am accustomed to doing so ...

    Love and gratitude,


  • Quentin

    There is a saying..."Though you be 1000 miles away, if you but turn and take ONE STEP toward me I will come the rest of the way"....or words to that effect.

    ...we all offer what is ours to give...couldn't have said it better...

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