Should Youths Get Baptized?

by xcellxior 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • xcellxior

    Have a look at the pictures of this youth. Doesn't look like his voice has even broken.

    First article in the "study" edition.

    "Does reading the Bible and studying the

    publications of the faithful and discreet

    slave class interest him? (Matt. 24:45)"

  • iveseenthelight

    NO! I will never understand how an organisation allows children to make such a life long commitment, when they haven't had enough life experience to know what it entails. Whether or not a child participates in ministry and gives good answers and the Kingdumb hall, is not an indicator for their Christian maturity. The boy in the picture looks younger that twelve (in my opinion) what other life long decisions can you make as at that age? You can't even choose your own bed time! My brother was baptised quite young (12 I think) and disfellowshipped at 16, he was disowned by his friends and family all he knew was that organisation but he was abandoned by everything he knew and even now that has an impact on him.

    The WTS go on about how they don't do infant baptisms like other Christians, but really what is the difference?


    The WTS go on about how they don't do infant baptisms like other Christians, but really what is the difference?

    The difference is that baptizing children is 100% scriptural. Studying for a baptism is unscriptural. That's a big difference, isn't it?

    Although Jesus was a grown up when John baptised him, the apsotles in the book of acts indicates that all from a household can [and maybe should] be baptised.

    See Acts 16;15 'She was baptised, with her household'

    Acts 16;33 He was baptised at once, with all his family'

    1 Corinthians 1;16 'I did baptze also the house of Stephanas'



  • DesirousOfChange

    They claim it's the most important decision in a person's life. And then pretend you can make it at 10 years old.

  • WTWizard

    Now, let's take a child the same age that the Washtowel portrays them as ready for baptism. Say, around age 6. Send this child alone in a coin store with about $40 of their own money to buy an ounce of silver. Will the coin dealer allow a 6 year old to buy silver? Remember, the coin dealer is not in it for denying people that want their goods. Or, would the dealer require the child's parents to make the purchase?

    If it is impossible for a 6 year old to buy silver alone, then what makes the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger think that child is ready for baptism? Getting baptized is a much more serious step than going to a coin dealer with $40 and buying silver with it.

  • headisspinning

    What really troubled me was the example of the sister who didn't want her kids to get baptized too young. She realized that if they were to get in trouble and be disfellowshipped they would lose their entire family.

    Her concerns were 'cleverly' countered but stating that no matter what - baptized or not - those children were accountable to Jehovah.

    Whether that's the case or not is not what that sister was worried about - she was afraid of losing her children if they were rushed into baptism and ended up getting disfellowshipped.

    What's the rush? I don't get it. These are peoples lives... lives that are destroyed through the harsh treatment of disfellowshipping. Not something to be viewed lightly.

    And the whole 'baptism is a protection' line really gets to me too.

  • TotallyADD

    The answer is No, No, No. Lets all remember what happen to PublishingCult brother. Very sad. Why are children denied their childhood in the JW cult. Why are they forced to make adult decision so early in their life. To put that much pressure and forced reponsiblity on such young ones is child abuse. I remember when I got baptized I was 16 at that time I didn't even know what I wanted to do for a living or who I was going to marry. I still had my learner permit to drive. I could not vote, drink or enter legal contracts. But the most important decision in your life according to the cult can be made as a minor child. How many lives have been destoryed by this. What ever happen to the teaching that child is protected by their parents. I guess the GB threw that teaching out the door. It's a cult. Control is all they want. Totally ADD

  • MidwichCuckoo

    NO! I will never understand how an organisation allows children to make such a life long commitment, when they haven't had enough life experience to know what it entails.

    Because it's the only way the Organisation can 'secure' its future really. Imagine what would happen if the WTBTS followed Jesus and Baptised at 30...? The business Religion would collapse. I was Baptised as a minor...and later than 'my JW' wanted/expected.

  • d

    I agree, the elders wanted me to be baptized at 15.WTF

  • PublishingCult

    Child abuse.

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