one thing I had always told my children, you follow Jesus' example of baptism, at least 30 yrs. old, and don't let anyone tell you different.
Should Youths Get Baptized?
by xcellxior 16 Replies latest watchtower bible
Can a child under 18 sign a 30 yr mortgage? Of course not. But JW's will hold them to a lifetime contract based on an impulsive, pressured decision to get dunked as pre-teens. This is immoral and ultimately cruel. Baptized at 12 then DF'd at 16? Sick and hateful.
I hear a mere handful of cherries a day can help prevent and ease gout. Pure cherry juice or frozen cherries appear to work as well.
Glander said: This is immoral and ultimately cruel. Baptized at 12 then DF'd at 16? Sick and hateful.
Consider the following reasoning (from the Scriptures):
1 Tim. 3:1-5 expects mature Christians (such as those reaching out to be overseers) to be "sound in mind" and "reasonable" and particularly references "presiding over [one's] household in a fine matter".
Prov. 22:15 -- "Foolishness is tied up with the heart of a boy..."
1 Tim. 5:8 -- "Certainly if anyone does not provide for those who are his own, and especially for those who are members of his household, he has disowned the faith and is worse than a person without faith."
How is it "sound in mind" or "reasonable" for a Christian parent to allow their minor child to make a decision that, if they do something "foolish" and get disfellowshipped, would then make it nearly impossible to "provide" for them in a spiritual manner? That is to say, at the point of being DFd:
Field Service w/ God's people (saving self & those who listen): BANNED/FORNBIDDEN
Gathering together at meetings & commenting for an interchange of encouragement: BANNED/FORBIDDEN
Wholesome Christian association: BANNED/FORBIDDEN
Group scriptural discussion and study: BANNED/FORBIDDEN
How could a responsible Christian parent allow them to make that decision?
Abosolutely not! I agree with everything else the other users stated. I got baptised when I was 16(20 now), and I completely regret it because so much is expected of you when you hardly know what you want to be when you get older, let alone make the decision to serve God for the rest of your life, and if not, be shunned by EVERYONE you may know. I feel terrible for the ones who got baptised much younger than I did. They are still at the stage where they are trying their best to gain their parents acceptance and love. The may get baptised for that reason, and that reason alone, though they may insist otherwise. Many havent even hit puberty yet! no hormones raging. No responsibilities, other than to the JW's. Sheesh. . Its definitely not ok
JW GoneBad
headisspinning asks re: youths getting baptized: 'What's the rush?'
Good question!
JW GoneBad
iveseenthelight asks:
'The WTS go on about how they don't do infant baptisms like other Christians, but really what is the difference?' .................. No difference!
The WTBTS speaks with a forked tongue.