crazy jw ex wife shoots herself in the foot, again

by Aussie Oz 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    You would think she would learn.

    but being the vindictive bitter woman she has alowed herself to become, i guess she can't.

    Last time she threatened me with less visitation and told me to get a lawyer, she lost big time and had to concede much compared to what she wanted to take away.

    This time she 'dobs' me into the child support angency for being in arrears and not paying the correct amount. Both not true as i have signed delivery of all payments and i actually pay her a little more than i have to. But the foot shooting is that by making a request to the CSA to collect the money from now on, they have to review the case and based on the more time my daughter gets since April last year they say they will reduce the amount... On top of that i can have my sons case closed now as he is fulltime employed which would futher reduce the amount i pay. (which i will not do)

    She will not be happy and i dread what she will do next, I just want this evil woman out of my life. She just cannot let me alone. 12 years i have had to fight this cow for every tiny bit of access to the kids.

    I have never tried to take the kids away from her, i have never tried to get 50/50 custody, never tried to stop her raising the kids as JWs, never defaulted on child support and always bent till i broke. All i ever tried to do was to rebuild a decent relationship with my kids.

    when my daughter is older, boy will that woman get one hell of a letter from me! and so will her congregation for that matter.

    rant over...


  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton


    I tried and tried to get my ex to have access to his daughter but he wasn't interested. He had 3 kids from a previous relationship and he sees those 3 and even made financial investments for his 2 grand daughters. But his 4th child, mine, he completely ignores, financially and more importantly, emotionally he is completely absent. He is not jw and never has been. His loss I guess but I wish he had been more like you.


  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    Oh OZ she sounds like a bitter twisted harridan, how awful for her that shes going through life like this....I pity her. Because you, on the other hand, are clearly a warm, caring, doting father. The kids will grow up and make comparisons, and boy, youre the winner hands down! You just be the best dad you can, and leave this vindictive sad woman hang her self, shes already doing a good job by the sounds of it. Its often when people try and hurt us, and trap us, they end up hurting'll have the last laugh Oz, keep your pecker up mate, just love your kids.x

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Thankyou Amelia

    It is his loss, and your childs. I can not fathom not wanting to be part of your childs life. But i guess some people are just plain broken somewhere in the mind and heart.

    It is sad that at the same time one person has to fight to see their children, others can just walk away.


  • nugget

    She is a small minded woman who feels hard done by. If your life had taken a downward spiral into despair and depression she would have been over joyed. It is just not fair that an annoying apostate seems to be having all the fun. Your daughter may also be starting to think for herself a little and that may have unnerved her. Something has certainly happened that pushed her buttons.

    Soon you will be free of her completely. You have bent over backwards to accomodate her and what is better you have the proof. She cannot win long term and I think she knows it. Keep strong.

  • nugget

    double post oops

  • Curtains

    perhpas she wants more child support because she is trying to pioneer

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Living well is the best revenge, Oz. You don't need to lift a finger to make the hag miserable because she, and I'm sure a healthy dose of Borg, does it herself.

    I may have missed an update but I hope your son manages to get the JW girl out of his system and am looking forward to reading about your daughter growing up as an independent and critical thinker.

    Good luck!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    On top of that i can have my sons case closed now as he is fulltime employed which would futher reduce the amount i pay. (which i will not do)

    Why not? You have a new missus and a new mortgage to pay. I can't think of a reason why you should fork out when you don't have to.

    She chose her path ...... she has to live with the consequences.


  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I agree with Black Sheep. If you want to save money for your son you can just keep it under your control. You could even tell the EX you are puttig $ away for his education or something like that... just my opinion. This does sound funny your EX is being hurtful to you and she gets the short end! You just can't fix stupid

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