A lightning fast POLL: Two questions about CONVERSION

by Terry 47 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Quentin

    1. No

    2. Not door to door, one, Vernon, he was my cousin. I started the study. Others finished it. Took less than a year. Where are you cuz, still in?

  • whereami

    1. No

    2. Yes

  • Terry

    The door to door ministry is obviously very effective!


  • mrsjones5

    1. No, born-in

    2. No, hated field service and refused most times to go. I had no desire to convert anyone. I've always felt it is very rude to go to strangers' doors and tell them that their way of worshiping is wrong and that the only way to be saved is to become a jw.

  • sd-7

    1. No.

    2. No.



    No X 2 = 2http://img.wonderhowto.com/screengrabs/633525094677656250.jpg

    .................... ...OUTLAW

  • OnTheWayOut

    1. Were you yourself converted from a religion OTHER than JW to becoming a JW by door to door work?

    NO. I was not any religion and I was "converted" from agnostic to JW by boyhood training and personal crisis allowing JW's to take advantage of me.

    2.Did you succeed in converting somebody in your own door to door work causing them to change religions to the point of baptism?

    NO. I never partipated in converting anyone. I did see it happen a couple of times, though.

  • Reopened Mind
    Reopened Mind

    1. No. I was contacted by schoolmates who studied with me until I was baptised 6 years later.

    2. Yes. Husband & wife. They were not really my call but since I was with the sister on the initial call I was invited to share the study.

    I have been baptised for 38 years, regular in service until 2007. I auxiliary pioneered for 2 years (60hr per month requirement) and regular pioneered for 2 years (90hr per month requirement).

  • Heaven

    1. No (was born-in).

    2. No (never went door-to-door -- it's not in the Bible. I like what one poster said about Religion: "Religion is like a penis. It's nice if you have one, but don't whip it out and wave it around in public, and definitely don't shove it down my children's throat." I never felt I had any right to push this stuff on anyone.).

  • cyberjesus


    2.no. But I started a couple of people and others finished them..

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