A lightning fast POLL: Two questions about CONVERSION

by Terry 47 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    no - born in

    yes - unfortunately.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    I was born in, fourth generation.

    I started a study with a man out in service once, when I was about 9 or 10 years old. I turned it over to an adult brother and the man and his wife both converted whithen a few months, they also had 4 young children that got to be dragged into a cult.

    I have also learned that one of the girls I went to highschool with converted. I dont really remember her, but when she was introduced to me at a witness gathering years later, she told me she became a witness because of the fine example i set in highschool.

    I went DtoD for about 28 years.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    no - born in

    no - unless i count a girl that was a daughter of a JW that just needed some more help

    and I pioneered for 13 years - thank God I guess I just wan't good at it

  • Pika_Chu

    1. Technically no. I was a born-in, although we never did anything except go to the Memorial until my bro died. Then we got serious and got back to the meetings.

    2. Hopefully not. And I don't think I did. I probably "planted some seeds" but I don't think I ever converted anyone.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    1 No

    2 yes

  • PublishingCult

    1. Were you yourself converted from a religion OTHER than JW to becoming a JW by door to door work?

    No, born into the religion.

    2.Did you succeed in converting somebody in your own door to door work causing them to change religions to the point of baptism?

    I was born and raised in the cult. I brought my ex-wife into the organization (huge mistake) while I was DF'd at age 17. I also started a study with a neighbor who didn't stick, but I created interest for his sister, turned her over to a sister to study with, and she was baptized. But never as a result of my door-to-door activity.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Short answer: No and no.

    Long answer: Mother was converted partly by converted family member and that one's sending a pioneer to RV on our house. I was pretty much raised in. I had absolutely ZERO success in the door to door work, but I did have some Bible studies from within the congregation who ended up getting Baptized. There are a surprising number of parents who get someone else to study with their kids, or there used to be at any rate.

  • chickpea

    1- no

    2- no

  • satinka

    1. Were you yourself converted from a religion OTHER than JW to becoming a JW by door to door work?

    Answer: No, I was born in.

    2. Did you succeed in converting somebody in your own door to door work causing them to change religions to the point of baptism?

    Answer: No. Thankfully, I never brainwashed anyone by going door-to-door. Most unfortunately, I succeeded in brainwashing my two kids.


  • cantleave

    1. No

    2. No (but was responsible for studying with a "rebellious" young lad from a single parent family, who got baptised according to his own words because of my help).

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