When I attended last year, I came home feeling sad and ........unconnected. I realised just how DIS-respectful the Memorial really is.
Although there were lots of seats available at the back of the main hall, we were escorted to the "back room", with all the other "bad people" and undesireables.
One family had a toddler that was extremely ill - he coughed, sneezed, cried, fussed and blew snot through the whole meeting. Another family had a small child who threw McDonald's french fries all over the floor. The sound system wasn't working properly, even though someone came in and tried to adjust it. Not that it mattered anyways, we couldn't hear a thing with all the action going on in that room! People were coming and going all through the meeting.
After discussing it with a dear friend from this board ( You know who you are....), I had my own little memorial that same night, with wine and organic crackers, a prayer and a little bit of a cry.
This year, I'm going to skip the K-Hall and just do my own private memorial again.