Worst Night of the Year

by Quendi 32 Replies latest jw experiences

  • palmtree67

    When I attended last year, I came home feeling sad and ........unconnected. I realised just how DIS-respectful the Memorial really is.

    Although there were lots of seats available at the back of the main hall, we were escorted to the "back room", with all the other "bad people" and undesireables.

    One family had a toddler that was extremely ill - he coughed, sneezed, cried, fussed and blew snot through the whole meeting. Another family had a small child who threw McDonald's french fries all over the floor. The sound system wasn't working properly, even though someone came in and tried to adjust it. Not that it mattered anyways, we couldn't hear a thing with all the action going on in that room! People were coming and going all through the meeting.

    After discussing it with a dear friend from this board ( You know who you are....), I had my own little memorial that same night, with wine and organic crackers, a prayer and a little bit of a cry.

    This year, I'm going to skip the K-Hall and just do my own private memorial again.

  • maninthemiddle
  • straightshooter

    Very sad how you were treated at the Memorial and how you were dwelt with about the flat tire. But instead of showing love, they feel that doing the contrary will awaken you to your spiritual needs. How wrong they are. The Memorial is the most boring meeting. It is a repeat performance every year.

  • cantleave

    Last year was the first time ever in my entire that I didn't attend. It was wonderful to know that I was freeing myself from a lifetime of indoctrination.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Our last one was 2005 . We had just started our fade and an Elder came over to the house to invite us personally ,so we went . Some people came up and hugged us with 'Oh we miss you ', one Elder said that and followed it with ,"I guess I could of called ,huh ? ".... Many more went out of their way to stick their noses in the air and let us know how poorly they thought of us .

    I knew when I left that night I would never go to another one again . The ceremony is pointless.

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    Last year was the first one I missed but that was because I didn't know the date. I had planned to go but I started googling for the date a day too late. I was gutted that I missed it and mentioned it to a witness on FB that I didn't get invited so had missed it. She was very hurtful in her reply.

    This year I am deliberately not going but I might open a bottle and celebrate my non attendance and 1st anniversary of being free!


    Memorial is a Special Time of Year..

    When Jehovah`s Witness`s gather together,in Kindom Halls all over the world..

    To Ignore Jesus..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • shamus100

    Just stop going! It gets easier and easier as the years go by.

    It's just complete nonsense, and the only thing you are 'missing' is your bullshit routine. Are they right or not, decide, and stick with you're decision. Make a logical decision, stick with it, and cut yourself off from the bullshit once and for all - or go back to it. Whatever you decide, be true to yourself. :)

  • chickpea

    i so agree with the title of this thread!!!

    the absolute WORST night of the year!

    the last memorial i attended, and i am thinking it is
    at least 4 if not 5 years ago, i had already been in
    a "fade" although i didnt know there was such a
    designation... i wasnt as yet mentally separated
    from the propaganda, so i felt compelled to be there....

    however "there" was a KH across the border in Canada...
    where i knew no one.... and it was then the scales REALLY
    fell off.... snooty women, ill-behaved children, and of course
    that utterly inane, mind-numbing BS they spew from the
    platform.... that ripped it for me, i knew i wouldnt go back...

    then, about 5 months later, happened on a site that had
    links linked to links linked to links and viola! JWD really
    opened my eyes to the dastardly nature of the WTS

    there are no words to describe the sense of guiltless
    freedom that permeates my life these days....

  • GOrwell

    This will be the 2nd year that I'm not attending. I do love the point @ 1 Cor 11:26 and it's simply another nail (no pun intended).. but if anyone asks me if I will be attending (and the subsequent why not), I'll simply refer them to John 6, especially the latter verses. Nuff said.

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