Although the WT is very wealthy, I don't think the individuals themselves are lining their pockets and living the high life.
The Governing Body doesn't need money in their own pockets. They have expense accounts and in exchange for merely showing up to give a talk they can go anywhere in the world they choose and stay for as long as they like, eating whatever they like, and seeing whatever sights they like, ALL paid for by rank and file JW donations to the "worldwide work."
Who needs their own money when you can use someone else's for free and for your entire life?
Even if they don't travel, they live expense-free in New York. Ever try pricing apartments in NYC?
It's definitely not motivated by sex!!!
There have been sexual predators on the Governing Body but not for the past 25 years or so. That we know of.
I can see the power being addictive but it's divided up between a group that switches up it's members - I can see power being more of a motivator where there is one human leader.
I'm not sure where you get the idea that this group switches up its members. The Governing Body members are appointed FOR LIFE. They're like the Supreme Court Justices. When is the last time any of the corporate executives were removed/replaced? I can't remember it ever happening. The committee heads are pretty stable in position, too, IIRC.
They don't exercise hands-on power like many infamous small-cult leaders do over their members but they could. They possess the authority in the minds of many JWs who would obey them to the death if so ordered.
Also, they wouldn't have taken the hard line they did in 1980 if it wasn't at least partly about maintaining their power.
So that leaves sincere belief...
Which is probably the biggest factor, if it is real. Ray Franz certainly believed they were captives of a concept and Don Cameron went on to write an entire book on the premise, which is excellent, btw.
I'm still not sure. It is so hard to believe these guys REALLY think God directs their Wednesday morning voting session via holy spirit. If holy spirit directed the voting, why wouldn't every vote be unanimous? Why vote at all? Wouldn't they all simply agree on everything all the time? Or is God divided against himself?
There is a lot speaking against their all being true believers in everything they preach. They may sincerely believe they know what's best for the sheep, but it is hard to believe seven grown men would all be under the same exact delusion to the same extent.