I have actually given a lot of thought to this myself. As I do see them as cult-like, but not the extremes people normal expect with a cult. I see them as people who honestly want to do good by God, but fundamentalist Christians that take everything in the Bible at literal face value. This does not make them a cult, as other religions do the same. What I believe makes them one, is the leadership format and way of encouraging reporting sins on one another, extreme personal involvement in people's lives and unwillingness to admit wrongs by pushing forward cover-ups. This last part, of not being fully honest with their people, is due to an addition to the power they have over their people. That point, makes them a cult in my opinion, but is a trait I see in a lot of Christianity.
Ok so they are genuine loons. That doesn't explain where their money goes, remember their lack of overhead costs is unprecedented and their revenue is very high.