Indoctrinating a child or any other person who can not use his full mental/critical/rational thinking abilities is abuse. Is taking advantage of their inexperience and guillibility, being that religion, political affiliation, patriotic alliegance.. When and individual does not have the ability to choose his options in a rational way is abuse.
A child can not choose his citizenship nor nationality... as a child, he doesnt have the mental capability to pledge alliegance to any country if doesnt know what his country stands for.... So regardles of what the Pledge says that is abuse.
As an adult you can decide what or where or how. I definetely have a problem using the term "one nation under God" the same way some of you might a problem with the following "one nations under the gods of heaven" or "one nation under the control of the Flying Spaghetti Monster".
If you dont believe on my FSM God why should I believe on yours?
Does it matter what our kids repeat? I guess it all depends who you ask... if you ask a JW he will tell you his kids wont repeat the PoA but he will be ok with his kids repeating a prayer.. if you ask a catholic he will be ok with Hail Marys or Our Fathers.... if you ask a muslim he will be ok repeating Islam chants, if you had ask a Nazi parent they most likely were ok with Heil Hittler......
To me it is very important what they repeat. I want to know what they repeat..... No kid should repeat any chant of indoctrination... Only adult should... and that after careful analisys... Do I want to teach my children to analize it? heck yeah!