what kind of degree do you have?

by deservingone26 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • WhatWasIThinking

    @deserving, ASU as in Arizona State? If you're in the valley then Rio Salado is a great school if you like taking classes online. Classes start almost every Monday, I think there are like 48 class start dates a year. You can work ahead and finish the classes ahead of time if you want. It's a Maricopa Community College so credits transfer to ASU, you just need to talk to an advisor to see which courses at community count as which courses at ASU. I'm currently taking classes at Rio and ASU. I will be taking more classes at Rio over the summer, a class at Chandler Gilbert in the fall, and classes at ASU in the fall.

  • deservingone26

    Yeah Arizona State but yeah I have been wanting to check out Rio Salado for a while I just dont know how I would like online classes but taking one class to see how I like it would probably be a good idea!

  • jwfacts

    Bachelor of Commerce.

    I ended up not having the personality for accounting and am now a Software Account Manager.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Professional College diploma in Social Service (similar to Social Work)

    University BA in Applied Social Science (also similar to Social Work and to Family Educators)

    That being said the way colleges work here are different than in the US or other countries. My Professional Diploma is a 3 yr program versus the regular 2 yr programs in other places. It is very hard to compare sometimes

  • Spectre

    Associates degree in both Art and Business Management.

  • Lozhasleft

    Diploma of Higher Education in English & Education

    Next year I finish my BA Hons in English & Drama

    Loz x

  • SixofNine

    I am two degrees from Kevin Bacon.

  • crazyblondeb


  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    Toungue Out Fahrenheit and Celsius...

    Boston School of Hard Knocks.

  • kimbo

    too late for mee

    I have a degree in Watchtower Bullshit

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