the test is - will a human do what's right in any given situation.
So wickedness exists to test humans. Does that mean that the little girl who's kidnapped, raped and murdered is being tested? Or what about the little boy who is starving and dying of disease? Is he being tested? It just doesn't make sense.
Where does the notion that people deserve to live in security, safety, dignity and honor comes from? we feel and understand that the world should not be this way…that people should not die of starvation, of preventable diseases, nor be killed or enslaved by a more powerful nation… deep inside of us we feel that something is fundamentally wrong with Humanity…that it’s not suppose to be this way. But why?
It's the group dynamic of the social species. "As organisms evolved to coexist among one another in groups, these selfish instincts no longer served to an animal's advantage. Obviously, if every creature within a group only struggled for its own preservation without any regard for any other individual within its community, it would be impossible for such a group to survive." - The "God" Part of the Brain by Matthew Alper, chapter 18. So survival of our species depends on our concern for the safety and welfare of fellow humans.
Also, one of the clinchers for me about God and wickedness is the idea of Satan being cast out of heaven and down to earth. (I'm not sure how widely accepted that belief is, but that is what I was taught as a JW.) If there really is a loving God, would he really confine Satan to the vicinity of the earth? That would be like you wanting to clean your town of pedophiles by locking them up in your child's preschool with the children! Then you'd tell your child, "Just be good and trust that I will come to get you someday. I'm not going to tell you when, only I know that. Follow the example of your older brother, who is oh so good and righteous. He'll help you deal with anything those nasty pedophiles might try to do." Absolutely absurd!