I must admit, I enjoyed the way you managed to follow your condescension with an illogical scenario that could easily be expanded to anything. You have an interesting view of the universe and if I use your logic, I'm sure I can find a reason why children are responsible for all bad things happen in the world. Perhaps, before you start being condescending towards others, you should review your own logic.
you need to expand your reasoning ability.
for your first example, the little girl's problems are a result of the kidnappers failure to make correct decisions leading to the rape and murder. the girl is a innocient victim. she never chose her ending. it was chosen for her.
and the second example of the little boy starving and diseased, is it his fault or is it his parents fault for bringing in a child they are not able to care for? or the leaders of that country for not supplying food and medical aid. it's not the boy's test. it's everyone around that boys test to help him. or they could choose to turn a blind eye.
will a human do what's right without screwing over another human? the golden rule