If 1 elder definetly knows how I feel of governing body and some of thier doctrine, he knows as I admitted viewing and researching apostate liturate can they still disfellowship me if i refuse to meet? right now the 1 brother would talk to the body they would need 2 witneses or one more brother to determine if thier should be a Jc yet I know and they know it would be obviouse for the need for one, could the just form one and if i refuse to meet could they df me anyway?
DF Question
by TheLoveDoctor 22 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Ya dude. Your screwed.
One elder's word is all it takes to DF in this case, as you admitted to him. Also, by refusing to show up, it's as if you admitted such, by default.
Mentally prepare yourself, keep us updated, and find support!
say goodbye to all your witness friends
If they try to form a JC just tell them you would like to have an attorney present. if they come to your house tell them they are not welcome then go to the police station and get a restraining order. Send them a certified letter stating that any actions taken against you or statements made or inferred about you will be viewed as harassment. you can search some of the posts here I believe someone has a really good form letter to give the elders. if you do this you should at least buy some time or scare them off completely.
Sam Whiskey
Why did you admit to taking those actions but are now afraid of the consequences?
I'm not sure what you were thinking when you made the admission....
Im not affraid at all, Im ready for anything cause the same confidece I had as a believing witness is the same confidece I have know, just wanted to know. Because i love the friends and love association i believe Ill be leaving 1 way or another cause Im no fake and I can and will tell my family that.
Mad Sweeney
I'd just ignore them completely. They have only the authority you give them.
I doubt they would DF you. They'd say you DA'd by your actions.
It depends on this elder. By the book they need 2 witnesses, but Elders don't need to follow the rules! They can just calim you admitted it and no one will ask your side of the story.
It really depends how vindictive this guy is, or the rest of the elders for that matter.
The GB can disfellowship a member "in abstentia" if that member refuses
to meet with the judicial committee. I know a brother who requested
the names of his accusers, the precise charges made against him and the names
of the committee members before he would appear before them. The elders
refused to answer any of these questions. As it turned out, it was
later learned that two of the elders who were the accusers were
also members of the judicial committee judging the case. The elders
disfellowshipped this brother "in abstentia."