I was freaked out on the six screens of the wt confrence call tonight

by JunkYardDog 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • satinka

    It's not Rick's fault. He was looking for an organization to "belong" to, then became disillusioned when the borg turned on him. He's just another casualty of the WT. Really, he needs our support and care.

    Rick, please talk to your family doctor about getting some counselling. Go for a walk in nature. It will help you to get grounded. You may be "anointed" but you are still human, dear one. Get grounded.

    Glentrevette, please call 911 and talk to someone about what you are feeling. You are important. You are a human being who wanted to trust in God. Unfortunately, a human organization wasn't the answer. Don't allow yourself to self-destruct.



  • PublishingCult
    It's not Rick's fault. He was looking for an organization to "belong" to, then became disillusioned when the borg turned on him. He's just another casualty of the WT. Really, he needs our support and care.

    I listened to his "committee meeting" recordings. He was/is an arrogant ass, lol. He left one cult of lies to start one of his own. You go give him a hug, though. He likes sycophants.

  • steve2
    i need something to believe i am right now thinking about jumping off my balcony i have not gone to a meeting in 3 years and feel totally empty and lost with nothing to live for and no longer have any friends or family who will have anything to do with me

    As hard as it might be to hear this, it remains true: Desperation opens the flood gates to the nearest person's unsubstantiated opinions and slams shut the door of reason. 'Needing' something to believe in is not a good basis for searching for something because you'll embrace the first thing you hear and the door to reason will slam shut.

    I' suggest you find yourself a good person to talk to about your fears and that they will have the respect and decency not to offer religious "solutions". Using the threat of self-harm to get people's attention is understandable but people who resort to the langauge of threat soon waer out their welcome. View your present desperation as a courageous call for you to step forward as an adult and learn to take responsibility for your life rather than behaving like a scared child.

  • satinka

    PublishingCult wrote:

    He was/is an arrogant ass, lol. He left one cult of lies to start one of his own. You go give him a hug, though. He likes sycophants.

    I'm not interested in being drawn into another belief since leaving the jws. One cult is enough per lifetime, thank you, PublishingCult.

    I'm saying Rick is a human being. He may very well be anointed. Being anointed is not exclusive to the jws, as they would have us believe. But, Rick has become ungrounded after being disfellowshipped. That is because he set his roots in the jw cult, rather than on planet earth. Right now Rick needs help just as much as any other human being needs help who has become disillusioned by the JWs. The JWs have set us up to fail upon leaving. Rick is vulnerable right now, no matter how he "appears" to you or me.

    Please don't judge him so adversely! That's all I'm saying.


  • Cagefighter

    I listened to one of the calls about a year and half ago and he just the beat the horse to death about some land dispute between a congo that defected and the society. Nothing shocking or mindblowing.

  • lovelylil

    I was on the call last night for about 3 hours. There definately was nothing wierd that Rick said or did, that is total BS! The topic was child molestors and how the society and elders do absolutely NOTHING about them. That is because they are too concerned with thier totally fake illusion of being spotless to the world.

    There were several people on there who were newly out of the WT, this is always good to hear. And several christians like myself who spent a little time sharing scriptures with each other.

    I personally know Rick and he is a great guy, very zealous for God. He loves people and helping them out of the WT $$$ cult. When you come from a background where emotions are surpressed by the tower, yeah, you may find Rick a little too "peppy" for your tastes. Other than that, he is a totally great, down to earth guy. NOTHING at all like the pompous elders of the WT.

    I think he is doing a great job in helping people. There were several on the line last night who were very conflicted and needed emotional support in dealing with the realization that they have been lied to for their entire lives, or at least for many decades of their lives. Rick provides that outlet with these conference calls.

    The matterial is diverse and topics vary. But I have enjoyed the calls thus far. Also, I have made many new friends which is something all ex jws need. Just my 2 cents. Peace, Lilly

  • satinka

    Hi Lovelylil,

    If you know him personally, you might want to drop in on him just to see if he's okay. I am just concerned he might need a doctor if he is ungrounded like someone described.

    Just my spidey-sense. Makes sense to look out for each other.


  • lovelylil

    I saw Rick today, he is doing great. We had a really nice bible study at his home along with a group of others. But thanks for your concern. Peace, Lilly

  • koolaid-man

    Junk yard dog , thanks for commenting, and giving your opinion. You were not listening to closely. We have a number of programs on the Six Screens Tele-network and the program you were listening to with Dale was not my program. The Six Screens call ended and Dale came on after. We have a number of programs on our network and many of these programs discuss things I may not be in agreement with. Please do not hold me hostage for what someone else said.

  • lovelylil


    Thanks for clearing that up. I was wondering for a minute if I was listening to the wrong program?? Did not understand WHAt jyd was talking about. Now it makes sense. Anyway, nice group today. Ray and I really enjoyed it. Looking forward to seeing you again soon. Peace to you and yours, Lilly

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