1.God is three persons in ONE....Hmmmm, how many have lost their lives over this concept of God. "It's just as blasphemous to define God, as it is to denie him"...Rhinehold Niebur.
2.God is a singularity of individual personality with a separate "son".....Romans 8:14-17, Pau'ls attempt to answer the question.
3.God is an intelligence without name or knowable identity....See quote from #1.
4.God is female...A priori comment. If God, as creator, made man and woman it is resasonable to conclude God is both masculine and femminine. Don't forget there are two creation stories in Genisis.
I have come to a place in my life wherein God has become a highly personel and individual part of my life. Doing to the best of my ability to live by "The Law of the Good Samaritain". Maintaining this all the Creator expects of us. Faith without works is indeed dead. If your going to talk the talk, you had better walk the walk. Also, I have no problem talking, or disscussing God all day long, but see absolutly no value in attempting to convert anyone to what I belive or feel about spritual things. It is up to the other person to reach their own conclusions, not for me to judge, nor say.