DesirousOfChange: Just a couple of months ago I finished graduate school and my grandmother (non-Dub) told me that my Mom's (Dub) only comment regarding my completion of school/degree was, "What a waste!" I maintained composure while on the phone with my gram but lost it (bawled) when I hung up with her.
Mr. Falcon: I grew up listening to my parents talk about how "foolish" and "stupid" those where that left the 'truth' and it just made me sick to my stomach, even then. As I grew older I was paralyzed by the thought of having my parents, brothers and 'friends' view me the same way and this thought alone kept me enslaved to the Borg for a long time. In fact, the last words my father ever said to me were, "you're stupid" and the last words my mom said to me where, "I know you'll come back because you always do the right thing." So manipulative, so controlling. It broke my heart. I am so happy that you have come to the realization that just because I think/believe differently than a Witness does that doesn't make me a horrible/wretched person. Thank you for the warm welcome and the offering of your canteen, I really do appreciate it.
Outlaw: I cannot say/type "my name is" without hearing the Slim Shady song in my head. Great minds think alike?!