Does the Christian message fall apart without a literal interpretation of Genesis?

by nicolaou 175 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • unshackled
  • moshe

    doubtful has had his epiphany about the Bible and there is no going back to that happy place the church makes for it's members.

  • garyneal
  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    Yes it does. It was one of the realizations that led me to convert to Judaism

    Islam doesn't recognize original sin either.

    From Wiki:

    The Quran says that Adam initiated the fruit eating and that both Adam and Eve (Hawa) ate the forbidden fruit, for which God later forgave them, and then sent both of them down to earth as his representatives. The Hadith (the prophetic narrations) and literature shed light on the Muslim view of the first couple.

    The concept of original sin does not exist in Islam, as Adam and Eve were forgiven after they repented on Earth, according to the Quran. One of the differences between the Qur'an and the book of Genesis is that it does not recount the Genesis narrative in which Eve leads Adam to transgress God's laws; they are simply both held responsible.

  • PublishingCult

    The tale of the tree and the fruit is a lie.

    The truth is that Jehovah forbade Eve to bath in the streams.

    She disobeyed, and now all the fish smell that way

  • poopsiecakes

    If the bible isn't real in Genesis then how can it be real anywhere else? It all falls apart like a house of cards...

  • EntirelyPossible

    If the bible isn't real in Genesis then how can it be real anywhere else? It all falls apart like a house of cards...

    It falls apart faster than your pants fall off when I am around.

  • nicolaou

    As pointed out, this topic has done the rounds before but it's always good for newcomers to come up against it for the first time.

    Tammy, you say that "regardless of how we got started on sin, - the simple fact is that we do all sin." Where did that sin come from if it wasn't a result of the 'Fall in Eden'? If Jesus death on the cross is a sacrifice of atonement exactly what is he atoning for?


  • wobble

    The Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church do not believe in sin that is inherited from A&E.

    Has the Christian message fallen apart for them ? No, they see things differently than many Protestant and Fundie religions.

  • cyberjesus

    no genesis... no nothing

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