If I chose to be a Christian, I would have to accept the Genesis account as true and literal. Why? Because according to the bible, Jesus came to earth to be tortured to death to atone, or compensate, for Adams fall from grace. Adam has to be believed as real if Jesus is to be believed as real. To my knowledge, no bible writer has ever expressed an opinion different to that which I have stated above.
To me the account of Adam and Eve is a mythical tale, a fable, a story with a moral. All religions have them. Not being a follower of Christ I am at liberty to smile and walk on by.
Tammy, I understand your desire to make sense of your belief in Jesus and admire your tenacity. I hope that it lasts you a lifetime and continues to bring you comfort. I wish you well but my concern is that you are too smart and inquiring to debate with people on this forum indefinitely without the penny dropping. Replacing such faith and hope as you have is not easy.