Hey, Does My (Successful) Diet Prove Evolution?

by metatron 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    OK, so the Doctor tells me about diet 'cause I have cholesterol/trigylcerides/ and some weight issues.

    So, I have come to respect vegetarian meals, so I drink V-8 and orange juice and fruit and rice and stuff.

    I'm descended from perfect humans who ate pretty much the same way....................??????????

    Result? No weight loss. Fatty liver. I'm hungry most of the time. My blood tests go nowhere.

    Then, I go to the South Beach Diet and a little Atkins diet......just for the occasional whipped cream.

    So, I'm a caveman and I eat whatever I can catch or kill and grill over a fire. Maybe a vegetable if I can find one somewhere. OK, no whipped cream but maybe some fermented curd with mold on it ( Stilton, Brie, Gorgonzola, etc.)

    Result? Fatty liver vanishes. I drop 30 pounds and I'm mostly not hungry. My blood tests raise eyebrows in the doctors office ... in a good way. The triglycerides plunge by half.

    So, were my ancestors Adam and Eve - or a buncha people who never saw a banana and lived in cold caves and used clubs and arrows to gather lunch?

    Lose the pasta, bread and carbs. Pass the London Broil with onions. And I don't even need to carry a club or spear (or atlatl, look that one up)


  • Satanus

    Sure does. The paleolithic diet is the way to go.


  • Berengaria

    Ummmm they had about a 25-30 year lifespan. If they were lucky.

  • Berengaria

    Also, they caught thier meat, implying intense exercise. Their meat ran from them, implying lean.

  • metatron

    I'll trim the fat and hike to the supermarket. The cavemen ate fish, too and fishing isn't that intense.

    This paleo stuff works. Much better than that starchy, fastfood Witness diet.


  • CoonDawg

    The misconception is that a one-size fits all diet will work for all of us extrememly diverse individuals. Sorry, not gonna happen. There have always been fat, skinny, short, and tall people. We are not stamped from the same mold and it's foolish to think that all of us should meet the same bodily criteria. As long as you feel healthy, who cares what the number of your weight is or the size of your waist?

  • Satanus

    It's not like the whole clan ran accross the plains, after the buffalo. Some of them satyed back at camp and conserved their body fat, or went after some immobile prairie greens.


  • Berengaria

    Moderation in all things

  • baltar447

    No matter what the approach, stay AWAY from startchy carbs and sweets and you'll do better. Lean meats, regular exercise, enough fat in our diet(good fats) are the way to go. if it's green, bright colored veggies and lean meat, go for it.

  • Berengaria

    Exactly Baltar.

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