Adam was by himself for 35 1/2 years and counting....

by dozy 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • GOrwell

    I'm sure Adam must've had his 'tube steak,' else how would he have urinated? unless, he was SO perfect, he didn't need to... cue RCC and "everybody poops" family guy jokes..

  • strymeckirules

    adam and eve did not receive reproductive glands or bodily waste functions until a few days after being expelled out of the garden.

    adam and eve were some kind of new being, not this weak flesh we are made of.

    after they sinned, they were transformed into the forms we take today.

    all of this and more in "The First Book of Adam and Eve". google it.

    much better read than genesis.

    and since most of you don't believe genesis anyways, why not open your mind to another version of the story.

  • sinis

    Yes, stry... they were "light beings" according to the books you reference. Other books specifiy the same thing.

  • Larsinger58

    Just a thought. The fruit that was eaten acually had some kind of a physiological effect that made Adam and Eve suddenly aware they were naked. Thus likely Adam was not sexually developed.

    Further we know certain substances affect the brain and how we perceive things, such as marijuana. Hormones are responsible for sexual developmnt. So perhaps the fruit contained something that released something suppressed in Adam and Eve.

    Also, if we look at hereditary laws, it would appear that Adam was black and Eve was white. The dark skin and curly hair are dominant genes whereas the fair skin, blond hair and blue eyes are recessive. The two combined would produce all the races we have today.

    Finally, since Jesus was a substitute for Adam and he became the messiah at age 30, perhaps age 30 is the age of independence or the age of full adulthood, which would have been a more appropriate age for Adam to be given a wife. That was plenty of time for him to fully appreciate having some other human besides himself if Eve was created at age 30.

    Finally, in regards to the 6000 years being dependent upon how old Adam was when Eve was created, the WTS' chronology is 127 years too early. we determine this by the date of the Exodus. The WTS dates the Exodus to 1513 BC. The true date is 1386 BCE based on jubilee dating where 1947 is the 70th jubilee from the time when the Jews became a nation while in Egypt, that is 70 jubilees of 49 years each is 3430 years, with the final jubilee being the final restoration in 1947. That ends 3430 years in 1996 and begins it in 1435 BCE. The Exodus which follows the jubilee theme of freedom from bondage would occur 49 years later and thus in 1386 BCE.

    1513 - 1386 = 127

    If we make Adam 30 when Eve was created and correct the chronology then the end of 6000 years since the creation of Eve would be around 2131 AD. However, if you follow Revelation closely, the 1000-year reign is not the precise last 1000 years of the 7th Creative Day. Instead, Satan gets let loose fora "short while", say 20 years, to tempt post-millennial mankind who has lived under Christ's rule. Then after that, after Satan is destroyed you have Judgment Day where all the dead come back. So if we make that period 100 years, you can substract 120 years from 2131 to get a potential date for when Armageddon would have to occur, thus:

    2131 - 120 = 2011 AD

    The second coming occurred on December 25, 1992 so i will be 20 years by December of 2012. So even per Bible chronology, 2011-2012 is a nw focal time to be watched for the final stages of this old system, keeping in mind that after the UN destroys Babylon the Great, that is, the CFR and the Federal Reserve and the CIA and takes over world rule, the nations still are kept alive for 15 months before Armageddon starts.

  • sinis

    Lars - did you see that special the other day on tv from one of the worlds foremost DNA doctor that indicated that a 2-3% variation exists between whites, blacks, and asians? This is leading others to believe that each race developed on their own without a common parent.

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