How can Jehovah's Witnesses demand respect from the medical community as regards to their refusal to take blood tranfusions? How could I ask my doctor, or anyone for that matter, to engage in my suicide? How could I ask anyone to take the life of my child?
A Witness would scream at me for saying such things. They would firmly inform me that their are "safe alternatives" and they would be determined to utilize them to the full, but those are not the scanarios that I concern myself with.
There are cases where the doctor on duty knows full well that without a blood transfution the patient will die, barring a miracle. So, in these cases, a Witness telling a doctor that they will not take blood under any circumstance is akin to asking the doctor to help them commit suicide. The same goes for a child that is dying. How can a Witness ask a doctor, or anyone, to take their child's life?
Witnesses don't think about this stuff because it's real, but they don't want to see it. Hiding under the blankets and putting your fingers in your ears won't actually do anything but make you look like a coward and a fool.