People have the right to make their own medical decisions, even stupid ones.
I absolutely agree. Now, tell that to the judicial committees with their hotline to hospitals who become involved when JWs make their won decisions to have transfusion. My JW auntie had a difficult labor in the 1960s that required a sudden C section. She needed blood and her JW husband stood by and allowed them to administer it. She survived and gave birth to a healthy little baby girl. Her husband was publically reproved in his Kingdom Hall and stipped of his ministerial servant position for about three years.
His standing by and allowing his then unconscious wife to have blood saved her life and very likely their child's. That he was publically humiliated by the then presiding overseer (this was in the days before bodies of elders) is shameful and points out the idiocy of the notion of "free choice". The Blood doctrine is easily the stupidest and most lethal of all the JW beliefs. And the notion of free choice is a dangerous myth.