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Once the Spell is Broken - Leave Mind Control Behind .............
by flipper 27 Replies latest jw friends
All of us suffered enough as Jehovah's Witnesses. Let's move on with REALLY experiencing EVERY day in a positive mode and realizing that today IS the first day of the rest of our life ! What experiences are you folks having that will help new members here to see HOW to move on in a positive way ? Let's share some experiences ! ( I'll share mine later after I hear some of your positive inputs.) Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Have people who still post here really 'moved on'? It seems the only signal that you have moved on would be when you stop posting and move past the JW aspect of your life.. Obviously, I haven't moved on yet :)
I'm fighting illness right now, but I'm doing it MY way.
I don't feel a need to refer to any WT literature or defer to any so-called experts as to my course of action.
The WT can go to the Devil for all I care!
GORWELL- Yes indeed, I think a good number of people who post on here can and have moved beyond the mind control. Some just contribute here to be a support system to others exiting the JW cult. Doesn't necessarily mean they are " trapped " in the JW mindset still
SNOWBIRD- I'm sorry you are fighting illness my sister. Peace & hugs to you! Hope you feel better soon ! I'm glad you are free ! You handle your healing in any way you want sis ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Thanks, Flipper.
Being sick is stressful enough in itself without having the added worry of whether this or that treatment is acceptable to WT.
They should be ashamed for adding that burden to the poor souls who believe they speak for God.
I heartily join you in saying to all, cast off those chains!
GOrwell, I have self-addressed "moving on" from JWN and occasionally addressed it here. I miss some old posters who moved on from this forum. If that was right for them, I wish them well. I know of some in a similar situation as mine who divorced their JW spouse and moved on. If that was right for them, I wish them well.
I don't say that my path is more noble than theirs. I don't say that sticking around JWN is "the right thing to do." But it is for me for a longer period and maybe I will continue to stick around. Ya see, I stayed with my JW wife. I also have a JW mother. Many still have JW family/friends and long for some kind of help from this forum and support with their dealings or shunnings from JW's.
For me, moving on meant putting Watchtower language behind. I cannot say "the truth" or even "field service" without making a joke out of the term or putting a negative spin on it. I am forgetting more of the minor doctrines than I am remembering. I don't open the Watchtower literature anymore. Moving on means various things to various people. I am a skeptic who thinks for himself on every issue.
While I don't speak for Mr. Flipper, I imagine part of what he is saying is that newbies need to stop thinking they are doomed to stay JW's because of their situation. Unsure ones need to finish research and stop being unsure.
Flipper, I read and read. I watch some youtubes about beliefs and the Bible and about Jehovah's Witnesses. I am not afraid to read or view materials from atheists or Christians or pagans. I do more than post on JWN, I meet with fellow ex-JW's for support. Thanks to all my friends for their support.
Sorry to hear that you're sick, Snowbird!! Are we talking about a flu bug here, I hope?? Get well soon!!
Hi, Ziddina!
Back on topic, making a success of your life and not moping around will show that YOU are in control.
As an example, I ran into an elder and his wife at Wal-Mart.
I looked the both of them in the eye and refused to blink.
They no longer have me in their thrall.