Tit for Tat with jwfacts Youtube yahoo

by sooner7nc 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sooner7nc

    Here's how it started. I'm in Bold Italics.

    jw truth

    "Why don't you refuse "blood fractions" which are derived from whole blood?"

    Thanks for asking. Your question is incorrectly worded.

    We published much information about this.

    We refuse whole blood the 4 main components.

    However the fractions are a matter of personal decision. In other words one Witness may allow it, and others may not allow it. We have had many meetings and articles about this. Its a conscience matter for each to decide.

    Medicine is a constantly evolving thing and always new information but the basic facts are that Jehovah's Witnesses are dead right and we have "pioneered bloodless surgery" and its now a "worldwide trend" and it is used for JW's and also non JW's that have wanted the same treatments because they are SAFER.

    Click on "jwtruth" and go to my channel and see the videos by DOCTORS and HOSPITALS that will make it more than clear.

    We are right and have always been.

    Fact is that countless thousands have died and been killed by Accepting Blood (this does not make the media as its not convenient)

    Fact is also that countless thousands have LIVED by refusing blood transfusion.

    There are lots of very stubborn and proud people that have mocked and laughed at us for a long time, and now they have to eat their own dirt ! They are wrong, and always will be.

    We have followed the instructions in the Bible from our Creator that knows best, and we also benefit with our health

    Watch the videos to learn about it.

    Hope that answers your question.
    Sent to: mrsooner7nc

  • sooner7nc

    Here's my reply

    Re: jw truth

    No, actually my question was worded precisely as I meant it to be and is correct in every way. In order to obtain blood fractions, whole blood is divided into it's constituent parts. In other words, whole blood donations are needed to provide blood fractions. This isn't wordplay. This a fact.
    Now, let me ask again. Why don't you refuse "blood fractions" which are derived from whole blood?
    Also, if this is a conscience matter (blood fractions), then that should make whole blood a conscience matter based on the fact that you can't have one without the other.


    Sent to: jwtruth

  • sooner7nc

    Here's it's reply to me. Gettin' a bit testy now you see.


    Re: jw truth
    Once again you are wrong and do not know what you are talking about. It these uneducated questions that show ignorance from the person asking, who tries to sound like some sort of an expert, but in fact do not know anything about the subject.

    As I told you yesterday, watch all the videos and learn something about the subject.

    Legally we have a choice about these things and we can direct doctors to use them or not use them! The use of fractions are a personal choice by each of us (Jehovah's Witnesses who are True Christians)

    It proves the rightfulness of God's Word the Bible authorised by Jehovah God who knows better and we follow that exactly, and we benefit in our health too and supported medically.


    Click on "jwtruth" to get to my channel for all 19 videos

    Here is a brief explanation of the blood fractions.

    How Do I View Blood Fractions and Medical Procedures Involving My Own Blood?

    The Bible commands Christians to "abstain from . . . blood." (Acts 15:20) Thus, Jehovah's Witnesses do not accept transfusions of whole blood or the four primary components of blood-namely, red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma. They also do not donate or store their own blood for transfusion.-Lev. 17:13, 14; Acts 15:28, 29.

    What are blood fractions, and why is their use a matter for each Christian to decide?

    Blood fractions are elements from blood that are extracted through a process called fractionation. For example, plasma, one of the four major components of blood, can be divided into the following substances: water, about 91 percent; proteins, such as albumins, globulins, and fibrinogen, about 7 percent; and other substances, such as nutrients, hormones, gases, vitamins, waste products, and electrolytes, about 1.5 percent.

    Are fractions also covered by the command to abstain from blood?

    We cannot say. The Bible does not give specific direction on the subject of fractions. Of course, many fractions are derived from blood that has been donated for medical purposes. Each Christian should make a conscientious decision as to whether he or she will accept or will reject the medical use of these substances.

    When making such decisions, consider the following questions: Am I aware that refusing all blood fractions means that I will not accept some medications, such as certain ones that fight viruses and diseases or that help blood to clot in order to stop bleeding? Could I explain to a physician why I reject or accept the use of certain blood fractions?

    Why are some procedures involving the medical use of my own blood a personal decision?
    Although Christians do not donate or store their own blood for transfusion purposes, some procedures or tests involving an individual's blood are not so clearly in conflict with Bible principles. Therefore, each individual should make a conscientious decision as to whether to accept or to reject some types of medical procedures involving the use of his or her own blood.

    When making such decisions, ask yourself the following questions: If some of my blood will be diverted outside my body and the flow might even be interrupted for a time, will my conscience allow me to view this blood as still part of me, thus not requiring that it be 'poured out on the ground'? (Deut. 12:23, 24) Would my Bible-trained conscience be troubled if during a medical procedure some of my own blood was withdrawn, modified, and directed back into my body? Am I aware that refusing all medical procedures involving the use of my own blood means that I refuse treatments such as dialysis or the use of a heart-lung machine? Have I prayerfully considered this matter before making a decision?

    What are my personal decisions?

    Consider the two work sheets on the following pages. Work Sheet 1 lists some of the fractions extracted from blood and how they are commonly used in medicine. Fill in your personal choice as to whether you will accept or will reject the use of each of these fractions. Work Sheet 2 lists some common medical procedures involving your own blood. Fill in your personal choice as to whether you will accept or will reject these procedures. These work sheets are not legal documents, but you may use your answers on these work sheets to help you to complete your DPA (durable power of attorney) card.

    Your decisions should be your own and should not be based on someone else's conscience. Likewise, no one should criticize another Christian's decisions. In these matters, "each one will carry his own load" of responsibility.-Gal. 6:4, 5.
    JW Truth Channel OverviewWelcome to the JW Truth YouTube.com channel! This site is dedicated to defending the truth and Jehovah's Witnesses. You will see news and media clips. You will see truthful information about us that defends Bible truth!Sent to: mrsooner7nc
  • sooner7nc

    And my further reply.

    Re: jw truth

    jwtruth said "Blood fractions are elements from blood that are extracted through a process called fractionation. For example, plasma, one of the four major components of blood, can be divided into the following substances: water, about 91 percent; proteins, such as albumins, globulins, and fibrinogen, about 7 percent; and other substances, such as nutrients, hormones, gases, vitamins, waste products, and electrolytes, about 1.5 percent."

    So, you are allowed to accept 7% of Plasma? Seriously, do you not see the contradiction here?

    Also, you're not allowed to donate blood that these fractions could be derived from. How on earth could you not see the duplicitous, and frankly, hypocritical stand that your religion has forced you and so many others to take.

    Please understand that I'm not questioning your intelligence but simply believe that you have been "taken in" by an organization that does not wish you to think critically for yourself but simply to "toe the line" regardless of how circular or ridiculous the reasoning.

    Again Respectfully

  • wasblind

    if it's a conscience choice to take fractions , why can't it be a conscience choice to donate

    if it wasn't for the donations, they wouldn't have a choice for their conscience to choose from

  • sooner7nc

    Good one wasblind. Will do.

  • wasblind

    Had to change what I stated you beat me to the punch

  • jwfacts

    Typical JW response, he tries to avoid your question because there is no logical answer and deflects to other information.

    Fact is that countless thousands have died and been killed by Accepting Blood (this does not make the media as its not convenient)

    Fact is also that countless thousands have LIVED by refusing blood transfusion.

    These may be facts, but they are used in a way that make them logical fallacies. Overall, it is safer to have a blood transfusion on the doctors recommendation. For example:

    Fact - 1000's have died eatting honey

    Fact - 1000's have lived refusing honey

    That does not make honey something that everyone must avoid, as billions have eatten honey without dying and been nourished by it.

  • wasblind

    " Once again you are wrong and do not know what you are talking about. It these uneducated questions that show ignorance from the person asking, who tries to sound like some sort of an expert, but in fact do not know anything about the subject. "

    And what make a bunch of uneducated JW's experts ?

  • sooner7nc

    Sorry jwfacts! I just realized I calle him jwfacts and not jwtruth. Boy is my face red!

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