This is the video where I burned my blood card:
Tit for Tat with jwfacts Youtube yahoo
by sooner7nc 33 Replies latest watchtower bible
Thats back when I was still using windows movie got buggy on me during the editing for some reason. Anyhoo when I get a new hd camera I'll start making more videos. I also made the "Data the apostate" and infamous "hitler president of the watchtower" video... It's REAL popular with the witlesses.
hahah that's awesome. You should do a remix with the song Hot Blooded by Foreigner.
"Stayin' Alive" by the BeeGees would have been appropriate as well :)
The evolution (pardon the pun), of this conversation is interesting. Not from the angle that there is no scriptural precedent for accepting blood fractions but the way the responses to honest questions were returned.
I noticed that once challenged JWTruth responded not with honest answers but an 'ad hominem' attack on the 'person' for challenging - eg this one paragraph alone where I have hi-lited direct insults rather than logical developments:
''Once again you are wrong and do not know what you are talking about. It these uneducated questions that show ignorancefrom the person asking, who tries to sound like some sort of an expert, but in factdo not know anything about the subject.''
If I'm honest this is very 'watchtower' in it's delivery. When unable to defend a silly doctrine they 'attack the person' with rude comments. I can see JWTruth is getting very angry.............all that repressed aggression the watchtower puts in it's victims.
Logical fallacies indeed JWFacts.
1000 didn't die by being hit on the head by a flying anvil. This doesn't mean anyone ever will or that there is even such a thing as a flying anvil.
To be honest JWTruth seems to be spinning around furious but unable to get out of the circular reasoning spin cycle.
You're wording this e-mail a bit wrong. They see nothing wrong with fractions derived from whole blood because once blood is separated it is no longer considered blood in their eyes. That's the whole point of his response with the whole "4 main components" thing. You need to harp on that if you really want to reach him. The biggest flaw in this whole logical approach is that it's based in the ignorance of what makes up these "4 main components" and the percentage of each. If I were you in your follow up I would write something to the effect of:
JW Facts:
I realize the logic behind the four main components rule, however I had a couple questions about that. Which scientific textbook or otherwise was this four main components identified in and how old is that textbook? All the scientific textbooks that I've read, all the doctor's textbooks I've read minus the extremely simplified scientific textbooks for elementary students don't classify blood as four main components. I'd also like to ask you since hemoglobin is an accepted blood fraction to receive; in a mature red blood cell the ONLY component is hemoglobin. When the cell membrane is removed from a red blood cell the hemoglobin still remains active (read here alive) and continues it's job of bringing oxygen from the lungs into the blood stream. Also any bacteria, etc. that is connected to the cell membrane remains with the hemoglobin since it is anchored in hemoglobin to begin with. Would you mind explaining to me how exactly a red blood cell is a "main" component of blood and hemoglobin is not a "main" component of blood? Could you explain the difference and how exactly you KNOW that God considers hemoglobin acceptable and a red blood cell is not acceptable?
I'd also like you to bear in mind while explaining that last part one of the biggest things that Jesus blasted the Pharasees for was adding unto the law. The example Jesus gave was creating all sorts of levels of work that was and was not acceptable to do on the sabbath, or needing to wash up to the elbow and not just the hands as the law specified. Could you tell me, do you think the Pharasees if they lived in this time would have a long list of acceptable fractions of blood vs. non acceptable fractions of blood when it comes to the law of abstaining from blood?
Thank You
Of course you can re-phrase this, but your current line of thought is not going to get through to this person. You have to get them to use their logic that they apply to other things and reach a dichotomy of either applying this same logic to their beliefs or realizing that they are being hypocritical. If you just want to make him look like a thick-headed, obstinant, typical JW good job, keep doing what you're doing. Unfortunately he's going to think you're being the same thick-headed, obstinant, typical apostate.
This what was in my in-box today. BTW he's blocked me from communicating with him so I can't even retort. This guy's dickheadedness is mind boggling. Also, check out how he repeatedly says "Watch My Videos". Hilarious mental case.
JW truth and your channel
I just clicked on your channel and it did not surprise me at all to see what is on the site.
I noticed as your main video that you have a young boy using a weapon and shooting with it.
Its lovely fine training that you are providing there!!!!
Wonder where that is in the Bible where Jesus Christ taught his followers war and violence??? hmmm? In fact, Jesus Christ instructed Peter: "Put back your sword as those who use the sword die with it" The principle is that true Christians should not love violence or even enjoy the weapons made by men that kill others.
I also noticed in your "favorites" all the videos with all of the filthy langauge and "F ___" words. It seems that you must enjoy this kind of filth as you class it as a "favorite"
Its not doubt in my mind that you would regularly use this kind of langauge yourself.
That is what I noticed in only 30 seconds when I left the site.
So its people like this, that fire off junk at us, without knowing a thing about the subject, and pass around lies about us.
Your knowledge of the blood issue is extremely poor, and in fact, non-existant.
As I said earlier, WATCH THE VIDEOS on my channel and educate yourself about the subject of blood transfusion.
Once you know that Jehovah's Witnesses are correct and we have in fact pioneered bloodless surgery, then you might want to see real truth about us, not the lies on youtube published by people that have been kicked out of our Organisation due to Scriptural offenses as mentioned in 1 Corinthians 6:9,10 and Romans 1:24-27 and many other Bible verses.
We are serious about doing what the Bible says not just pretend Christians.
We also dont like dirty language and filthy morals that the world has to offer people and they get attracted to it, and also call themselves "Christian" Now that is a real joke !!
Bye, and please dont write back. Watch the Videos on my channel -
I really hope a lot of non witnesses view this thread and see the blatant rudeness and arrogance of this jw'truth' individual. Like I mentioned before, these jehovah wickedness bastards are getting extremely impolite and hostile lately, even when you ask them the most basic of questions. Not that I believe in the jesus character, but if he was on earth he'd be calling them out like he did the scribes and pharisees.
If this fool came to my door with that same attitude I'd tell him to get the f*ck off my property and slam the door in his face.
OT: BTW how do I get videos to display on this forum??
Well if this idiot is so against the ownership of firearms and what they do- I suppose he had better not ever call 911 if his family is being raped and murdered...After all, police carry those evil guns and might have to kill someone.
Why did Jesus say to sell your outer garment and buy a sword? That's a two way street you know...Just because he said those who live by the sword die by the sword doesn't mean that you shouldn't own a sword. I'm pretty sure that he meant it shouldn't be the first answer to every situation in life.