There is only One who we should follow. Only One who KNOWS. That One is Christ. Follow Him. I am happy to share my thoughts about Him, but if a person wants to know the truth about Him, then they should go to HIM.
Follow Christ means one thing to you, a different thing to another person and yet a still different thing to the next person. Chaos. Confusion.
Where is the unity in disagreement?
Look at the results in this world to separate interpretations by honest, pious people. Loggerheads. Clashes. Apologetic confrontations.
In the days of the Apostle Paul it was no different. Paul preached one thing, the apostles in Jerusalem taught a different thing, the superfine apostles and Judaizers taught a different message...etc.
Christianity has been a Rohrshach test for psychological manifestations of divine channeling!
All this demonstrates to me is delusional thinking. Can you blame me?
If we FOLLOW do we know which direction to go? Especially if we are all bumping into each other.