June 15 W/T - "Should Youths Get Baptised?"

by sizemik 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sizemik

    The above mentioned article caught my eye for a couple of reasons . . .

    It is obvious to most observers that the children of active JW's provide a potential "large army" and in spite of the attrition rate of JW youths (around 2/3's I believe), it's a resource the bOrg are keen to maximise. There tactics appear to be encouraging baptism at an ever younger age. I encourage you to have a read of the entire article.http://www.jw.org/index.html?option=QrYQCsVrGZNT I have highlighted here a couple of paragraphs words/phrases for comment . . .

    Is it reasonable to believe that a young person who puts off baptism will not be accountable to God for his conduct? Solomon directed the following words to young ones: “Know that on account of [your actions] the true God will bring you into judgment.” (Eccl. 11:9)

    And with no exception as to age, Paul gave this reminder: “Each of us will render an account for himself toGod.” —Rom. 14:12. Both baptized and unbaptized worshippers are accountable to God. Do not forget, Jehovah protects his servants by ‘not letting them be tempted beyond what they can bear.’ (1 Cor. 10:13) As long as they ‘keep their senses’ and fight temptation, such ones can count on God’s support. (1 Pet. 5:6-9) A Christian mother writes: “Children who are baptized have more reasons to stay away from the bad things of the world. My son, baptized at 15, feels that baptism is a protection. ‘You don’t think about doing something contrary to Jehovah’s law,’ he said. Baptism is a strong motivation for righteousness.”

    The highlighted words show how the biblical counsel cited directed at YOUNG ADULTS is cleverly presented to include CHILDREN. I took the time to read the scriptures cited and developed the feeling from the context that this advice (Solomon and Paul's) is directed to ADULTS (albeit young) as they both speak of concepts fully understandable only to the ADULT mind.

    As if to almost acknowledge this, the tone of the article in the W/T is directed mainly to ADULTS . . . yes the parents! . . . not to the "young ones" themselves.

    The other point which came to mind is this one . . . If "children" are in fact "accountable to God", does this legitimise in the average JW mind, the future slaughter (at Armageddon) of over a billion "children"?

    I'd be intersted in hearing others comments . . . feel free to disagree

    Luvonyall - MS

  • LostGeneration

    Its a disgusting set of articles all around. The kid in the pictures is like 10 years old. They turn these into mini cult members and deny them a real childhood. Its not enough that they take birthdays, holidays, and "worldly friends" away from them, they make them go sell literature on the weekend too.

    They are forcing these kids into baptism early so that when they grow up they are trapped in the cult. Then if they choose their own life, they lose their family, at least all of the ones that are JWs, so that will be at least the parents in most cases. Too many are making it into their late teens without getting baptized, then walking away without the full shunning consequence. So the solution from the WT is to break up more families by getting them to commit while young and innocent, then kicking out the ones that decide to leave when they wisen up.

    And yes, they are now using the parents as tools in their scheme. The whole family worship night is another tool to pressure the kids. No doubt the GB will be encouraging parents to "study" this article with kids during the family worship night.

  • zarco

    Hmmm... Jesus was how old when he got baptized?


    I think Jesus was 33 yrs old when he was baptized, but in the Christian tradition, whole familys and whole households were baptized. There are several examples in the Acts of the Apostles where 'he and his whole family', or ' she and her entire household were baptized at once'. That makes me believe that children [including infants] were baptized.



  • sizemik

    Fair point dc . . . many mainstream Christian religions today also practice infant baptism, but like first century Christianity, they bear no resemblance to the activities of the WTBS today, nor are the results and implications of baptising children in those instances, the same as for a JW youth today.

    Luvonyall - MS

  • JeffT

    When I became a JW in 1973 "no infant baptism" was one of the things that separated them from Christendom (in their literature). They made a big deal out of the fact that a person should be old enough to make a fully informed and well thought out dedication to God before baptism.

    I see that this is one more doctrine sacrificed to the god of numbers.

  • PublishingCult

    My son, baptized at 15, feels that baptism is a protection. ‘You don’t think about doing something contrary to Jehovah’s law,’ he said. Baptism is a strong motivation for righteousness.”

    JW Baptism: an invisible amulet worn around the neck to ward off the influence of evil spirits.

  • Red Piller
    Red Piller

    Wow. That is just embarassing.

  • TotallyADD

    I said it before and I will say it again. No way in hell should children get baptised. They are not mature enough to make such a monumental decision that can ruin their life forever. Science has just found out that a person brain does not stop growing until their early to mid 20's. What ever happen to the teaching that children were sanctified by the baptised parents. I guess that teaching has been throw out the door. I know one thing the rank and file in our area who have raised children do not like this push to baptised children. They are will aware of what can happen. Totally ADD

  • lifeisgood


    My father was a career Marine. He was highly decorated for actions in two wars. He trained many people who are alive today because of that training. My father was very proud of the Marine Corps. The Marine Corps and all of my father's men were proud of him.

    The Watchtower people started studying with me when I was 15. I got baptized three months later in spite of my father's objections to "the cult" (what he called it). My father told me a lot of things about the WTBTS that I just ignored. When I left the cult I knew that my father was right.

    I am extremely angry at the WTBTS for teaching me their bullshit and pushing me to get baptized against my father's wishes. My father was harsh but a good man. My becoming a JW against my father's expressed wishes while I was subject to his parental authority caused a huge rift between us that took me 20 years to repair.

    Never in my life did I see my father cry. When my father died, and there were 200 people at the funeral and the gravesite, my mother told me that my father cried over my becoming a JW against his wishes.

    This hurts so bad. The governing body of the WTBTS are evil, petty, despicable liars, <SPIT>. They don't care about families. They don't care about teenagers. They don't care about someone who sacrificed his life to defend our country. I HATE THEM I HATE THEM I HATE THEM.

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