June 15 W/T - "Should Youths Get Baptised?"

by sizemik 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    That's a very sad story lifeisgood . . . and I can't blame you for your feelings . . . that "if only things had been different" feeling is a crushing burden . . . especially in circumstances like yours. Your right about this . . . They don't care!

    They clearly placed a lot between you and your Dad . . . and robbed you of plenty . . . but the love you both shared they never took away . . . it belonged to you then and it still belongs to you now . . . take comfort from that.

    Luvonyall - MS

  • ziddina

    I especially like the comments I've read from other posters, emphasizing that Jesus' baptism occurred when he was around 30 years old, therefore, in light of "following in his footsteps", no Jehovah's Witness should be baptised until they are fully adult..

    Me, if I had children, I'd INSIST that they not be baptised UNTIL they were 30 years old...


  • man in black
    man in black

    should yutes get baptized ?

  • Lily Pie
    Lily Pie

    It's evil. Absolutely disgusting. Well, now we know where Satan is hanging out. When ever I think of Wt Doctrine I think of Matt 23. They are filthy on the inside, to be held totally culpable, for this unethcial rackett. How can any one of school age totally comprehend the consequence of baptism in this cult? The law protects people who are unable by reason of age, mental defect, or unususal distress to understand the nature of the contracts that they enter. The WT and its members stand by and neglect to recognise that this might also be true for baptisms in an organisation that practices shunning of family members.

    If you are currently a member of this group. I want you to have a good look at yourself now. Are you by your silence also responsible? Is there something you can reasonably do?

    The extreme of social pressure in this group can be like having a gun put to your head. Poor kids.

    Re: Baptisms - Rom 4:9-10 Faith is counted as righteousness before the religious rite.

    Lily Pie

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    I recently wrote two watchtower length articles on baptism and children/teens.

    one called Should YOU get baptised and

    one called life after baptism.

    I wrote them primarily for my children, but tailored them to young JWs in general.

    anyone want to read, please pm me for a link to pdf's on sendspace or my blog for JW youth that i have started.


  • vivalavida
    A Christian mother writes: “Children who are baptized have more reasons to stay away from the bad things of the world.

    One of those REASONS being the fear of being expelled and shunned for the rest of their lives. She is certainly right there...


  • FlyingHighNow

    I would not allow my kids to be baptized, not even as teenagers. I felt disfellowshipping was a serious threat to a teen and not something I felt teens should endure. Thank goodness my kids are not in now, though both of them are crazy people.

  • Listener

    Amazing cunning in JW land. They go from Youths (being considered older teenagers in JW land) to young ones and then flow through to children.

    The fact that they direct this at parents is appallying, making it their responsibility to direct their children to be baptized, when it is only ever the choice of the individual. The kids will feel pressured because they must obey their parents.

  • mindseye

    Too many are making it into their late teens without getting baptized, then walking away without the full shunning consequence.

    That would be me. I was about to get baptized around 15 (all the other kids in my family were doing it!). I had second thoughts and a recommendation from my dad to wait until I was more mature (he had some sense, despite being a true believer).

    Not getting baptized was the best decision I've ever made. Several of those kids I wanted to join in baptism grew up and left the religion, and faced the inevitable. Though I've had some awkward situations and psychological dilemmas, I would never say I've gone through the harsh stuff baptized ones have gone through! My heart goes out to you.

    If there are any young'uns lurking out there who aren't baptized yet, my advice is DON'T. Your perspective will undergo a dramatic shift in your late teens and early twenties.

    As for the WT in question, downright criminal and absurd, as usual.

  • inbetween

    A Christian mother writes: “Children who are baptized have more reasons to stay away from the bad things of the world."

    Did they explain these reasons ? Of course not, otherwise they have to admit, that the fear of getting shunned is the "more reasons". Where is love for God ? Not strong enough in those young rotten offspring ? Apparently needs fear tactics to keep them under mothers (borgs) control...

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