Is there a underlying pattern here or am I imagining things?

by Terry 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tec

    Well, I don't know how you test something without doing it first, Terry.

  • tec

    Thanks, Lil.

  • JeffT

    Where is the unity?

    People like lilly, tec and I clearly have it. We are each pursuing our own concept of Christianity and respecting each other's views. Works for me.

    Where is the test of validity?

    Noted above, it works for me. And a few other people I know. If it doesn't work for you, nobody is making you do it.

    How is your idea (above) falsifiable?

    When it stops working for me.

  • trevor

    Those wishing to achieve authority have to offer their followers something desirable. Politicians make promises to get elected, then break them. Church leaders do the same.

    Tammy summed it up when she said, ‘ Everyone seeks to follow other men, and not God. ’

    If I were to follow a spiritual path that involved belief in intelligent invisible beings, any communication would have to be direct; between me and that intelligence. If other men were required as mediators and authority figures, it would cease to be a spiritual experience.

  • Terry

    Whatever God IS, as far as I can tell, is simply too profound for human understanding.

    It is not a male. It isn't female. It is something beyond imagination.

    Incomprehensible and distant. Elusive.

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