I'm posting this cuz I think it relates to this topic:
THE 15- MINUTE FEMALE ORG ASM THE PRECONDITION: WOMEN NEED TO STEP UP TO THE STARTING LINE FIRST “No man can give you an orgasm. He can only help you do it yo urself.” This is why I used the word facilitate earlier. First and foremost, Nina emphasized, a woman has to be comfortable masturbating. “If she doesn’t masturbate regularly, she’ll be more trouble, baggage- wise, than it’s worth, unless you get off on being the fi xer. She has to at least come up to the start- ing line and be comfortable conv ersing with her own orgasmic potential.” For years, Nina herself was too embarrassed to show her “O face” during orgasm to partners, thinking it was ugly or unattractive, not realizing that men go nuts for it. “The woman needs to know how beautiful and exciting she is in that state.” Truer words never spoken.
To those women who don’t masturbate, Nina recommends starting in small increments, fi ve minutes a night before bed or immediately after waking up, and listening to self- talk. What is your head telling you? Un- warranted guilt and shame? Both will pass with practice, and you must be comfortable solo before it’s possible with someone else. Thirty minutes after the interview with Nina, I called Giselle. The ver dict: she never masturbated. She was the eldest daughter in her family, an unexpected recurring theme I found among inorgasmic women, and had been raised Catholic. Her mother used scare tactics with religious overtones, repeating phrases like “I hope your decision to abstain includes remembering your faith.” This fueled a feeling of obligation to be a role model for her young er sisters, and the end product was predictable: she disallowed herself pleasure, view ing it as a hazard, and was now well on the path to asexuality http://www.scribd.com/doc/48258300/THE-4-HOUR-BODY-15-MINUTE-ORGASM-1