Its pretty clear throughout Gods word that he always used imperfect men as his channel-if the JW leaders arent the faithful slave whom Jesus appointed over his domestics-who is?
Two elders are coming to visit at my invitation.
by Wasanelder Once 23 Replies latest jw experiences
An elder admitted the " Internet is devastating the congregations " ? Nice. I want to jump up and down and do cartwheels right now- but I need to contain myself ! Bring it on oh ye Internet ! The age of information awareness ! Yes
Wasanelderonce: I am sorry to hear what is happening to you. It happened to me, too. After I got disfellowshipped I heard through the grapevine of a rumor that was going around the congregation. It was blatantly untrue, but seriously...the elders and congregation members DO NOT want to know the truth. What they really want are reasons to believe that when someone leaves the congregation, they have turned "bad" and are "sinning" and all kinds of stories so that you will FIT INTO THEIR MOULD of what happens when members leave. After all, are you not a follower of Satan now?
The rumors provide a sense of "told-you-so" to all the remaining members. The elders happily enable the rumors to instill even more FEAR in the remaining members.
I had a good laugh --- and ignored the rumors.
Then I moved two provinces away.
Best thing I ever did.
Its pretty clear throughout Gods word that he always used imperfect men as his channel-if the JW leaders arent the faithful slave whom Jesus appointed over his domestics-who is?
I'll take your argument and run with it:
It's pretty clear throughout God's word that he performs miracles.
It's pretty clear throughout God's word that he requires animal sacrifices.
It's pretty clear throughout God's word that he has a chosen race of people.
There's this new thing out called "the Bible". What you're talking about are called "prophets". Jehovah doesn't use prophets anymore. Actually, the last human leader God used wasn't imperfect either; it was Jesus. The "channels" Jehovah used were imperfect men delivering a perfect message. They were inspired by Holy Spirit to convey the infallible word of God. Accusing the Holy Spirit of bringing us the Watchtower magazine is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and you might want to avoid that, as it can be hazardous to your eternal health.
You are assuming the Society's interpretation of who and what the "faithful and discreet slave" is. You're also assuming who is "faithful" and who is "wicked" has already been decided by Jesus, solely on the word of those who conveniently claim to be the chosen "faithful". Most of all, you're totally disregarding a mountain of scriptural admonitions against allowing humans to dictate your faith in favor of the word of men who demand to be dictators of your faith; all based on a passing comment from Jesus that he didn't press very strongly for it to be a doctrine that was going to totally contradict many Bible verses both before and after it.