you have become the thing you hated.

by TheJigsUp 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • clarity

    Well that sort of cleanses the palate!

    And maybe we can get a taste of the sweeter wine ... and see a difference from the dry.

    Here here, JigsUp


  • caliber

    I think all he is saying is cut people some slack... don't be dogmatic & too matter of fact !

    “Nothing is more dangerous than a dogmatic worldview - nothing more constraining, more blinding to innovation, more destructive of openness to novelty.”

    Stephen Jay Gould

  • tec

    I liked the post, Jigs. Good reminder for us all.


  • Lozhasleft

    Good points - well put.

    Loz x

  • TheJigsUp

    nomad i read your post several times just to make sure.

    no, im not wanting to shout down anyones freedom of speech. i think you missed the point i was trying to make.

    FREE YOUR SPEECH.. go on.. do it.. but dont inflict it.. and dont ridicule.

    now thats where we're crossing lines.

    and yeh, honestly.. what gives you or i the right or the backing to talk down to people..

    you got the freedom.. so you have indeed.. and im not arguing against your 'freedom'

    that would be 'becoming what we hated' in another sense

    no way, im not up for that.

    there are many thought provoking points to be made. and they NEED to be made.

    in an environment where we are searching through ideas and ideologies.

    but as soon as we begin to present ideas and ideologies ( i prob spelt that wrong again)

    as fact then we assume the role of those that inflicted things with peer pressure onto us once before.

    we have all travelled some kind of path, that has led us to certain conclusions and questions.

    some of which we will meet in the middle on, some of which we wont.

    but as soon as we start to ridecule others on their answers to things we feel we have reached the conlusion on, all be it with nothin but conjecture

    in all honesty.

    then we become the very thing that we despise.

    that which assumes without understanding,

    word taken without profound knowledge.

    without even if you like 'obsessive thought upon'

    its how the geniuses roll... im told.

    but we seem to accept a thought process that suits us, and in all honesty..

    if you want to split hairs, all the theories have holes in em.

    so why should we inflict our religious or even our secular theories on others

    with any authority.

    we are all in the same spot.

    quantum physics is theory.

    evolution is theory

    creationism is theory

    black holes, even are theory.

    why should i have you, or anyone else call me dumb for favouring one above the other.

    and now... let the splitting of hairs commence.

    that was not my intention

  • NomadSoul

    nomad i read your post several times just to make sure.

    no, im not wanting to shout down anyones freedom of speech. i think you missed the point i was trying to make.

    FREE YOUR SPEECH.. go on.. do it.. but dont inflict it.. and dont ridicule.

    now thats where we're crossing lines.

    So I can have freedom of speech as long as I don't cross your lines? That's Freedom of Speech

    and yeh, honestly.. what gives you or i the right or the backing to talk down to people..

    This thing called the United States Constitution.

    you got the freedom.. so you have indeed.. and im not arguing against your 'freedom'

    that would be 'becoming what we hated' in another sense

    no way, im not up for that.

    So what are these lines that I shouldn't cross come from?

  • mrsjones5

    Happy happy joy joy. This is kindergarten folks. Where's my milk and graham crackers.

    Good grief

  • caliber

    So what are these lines that I shouldn't cross come from?

    Don't crush or belittle... it's called tact....

    Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy.

    Isaac Newton

  • NomadSoul

    If expressing yourself with tact is your thing, then you're free to use it!

  • mrsjones5

    Tact is nice, sarcasm is wittier

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