The great Jesus swindle.

by whereami 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OnTheWayOut

    The vid makes a great point. I have listened to this guy before. I like him.

  • bohm

    metatron, your critisism would be even more effective if you had spend 5 minutes to verify it was remotely accurate. If there is one thing Pat Condell rip more than christianity then its Islam:

  • moshe

    I don't think he will get an invite to the Witnesses now for Jesus convention at the Blue Mountain resort in October.

  • bohm

    this one earned him many death-threats, the words "ancient desert nomad with a psychological disorder" are attached to muhammed.

  • metatron

    Is it entitled 'the great Mohammed swindle"? Give him two points for being somewhat discreet. He presents the matter in social and political terms rather than the personal focus on Jesus.

    Thank you for providing these excellent videos. I agree completely with his well made, articulate points. He is braver than I thought.

    I would be interested in any video in which he mentions Mohammed and addresses him in the same manner as Jesus, as to historical claims and the like.


  • metatron

    Well, that's much closer! I do not expect his justified moral outrage to extend to a virtual suicide attempt. I wouldn't do that either!

    I'm familar with the South Park controversy on this sensitive point.


  • bohm

    well, why does he not call the christian thinkers en masse old bigots with a penis in one hand and a bible in the other like he does with muslims? why does he describe the vatican as the most backward place on earth ruled by bigots and the single most embarassing thing about being human as he does with saudi arabia? why does he not attack Krishna or Buddah? one can allways ask these questions, and to be fair he state very explicitly he think islam is a far more dangerous, deadly and backwards religion than christianity, and the muslim clergy is generally described in terms far more derogatory and offensive than tele-evangalists, who seem to be his favorite christian hate-subject and get a worse treatment than the christian clergy in general.

    i havent really followed him that closely (i seem him more as a comedian than somone to get on-the-point religious critisism from, though i think he make good points), but AFAIK he once had a video where he discussed muhammeds marriage to Aisha which made the video on jesus look like a schoolplay prepared by elderly nuns and performed by 7-year-old catholic schoolkids...

    (but i might be wrong, i could not find it)

  • startingover

    Thumbs up! I wait now for comments from the above mentioned promoters of Jesus. I am always amazed at the tricks they can perform in their mental gymnasium.

  • wobble

    I like Pat Condell, he keeps his anger, aimed at stupidity, ignorance, error and downright bigotry at just the right level.

    He has made the bravest public statements on Islamic failings that I know of, and is not biased, as we see, Christians get his treatment too !

    Keep it up Pat ! The more voices there are against religion the better, the sooner the human race moves on from believing in fantasy figures , and fictional history,the better.

  • tec

    Well, I don't agree with every single thing he said... obviously... but he has quite a good view of Jesus and his message. Better than what many churches teach, and you have to wonder how different things would be if 'teachers' had focused on the kingdom of heaven being within you, rather than... well, with them.

    So I absolutely agree with what he said about religion drowning Christ out. About religion holding out salvation as a prize, but only if you go through them first. There are many ordinary church groups or meets (not identified as denominations) who just want to have fellowship with others who believe in Christ, so the video can't be speaking about them.

    At the same time, there are also many people who want to be led - thus leading to the power of those who want to do the leading.


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