If you enjoy a glass of vino now and then, tell us what you like and how your tastes got to where they are now. Wine snobs & non-snobs alike welcome!
(Simon? Any chance of getting a wine glass into these emoticons?)
My intro to the world of wine was my JW parents buying a huge screw-top bottle of Paul Masson or Gallo red or white, having half a glass, and sticking it out on the back porch thinking that wine stayed good like that. When I became a teen, they'd let us have a teeny-tiny glass of it. One sip of this red wine vinegar made me think I didn't like wine.
Fast forward a few years. Moved to Calipornea, and I actually enjoyed Bartles & Jaymes wine coolers and white zinfandel now and then. Although beer was my preferred drink.
Fast forward a few more years to getting married. My wife and I originally liked big oakey, buttery Chardonnay and smooth, mellow Merlot mainly from California. Kind of like a coffee drinker getting started out on big sweet Cafe Mochas. Our snobbery evolved as we worked our way around to most other varietals and now we can't stand big oak or butter in a Chardonnay.
We were probably pretty insufferable wine snobs for a couple years there but last week I knew my wife had come back down to earth. We had a big dinner party with all non-JWs in attendance. My wife made a special purchase of 7-Up so one of her best friends could make her own "wine cooler" out of a really good Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand.
(For the non-wine drinkers out there, that's like a serious beer afficianado going back to Bud Light.)