And you think you can have "social structure" without myths and fantasy? Really?
I see the same sort of arrogant assertion and self assurance in atheism as I did in religion. We have all the answers and other nonsense.
I see 'religionless' cultures that can't even make babies - needed if they are to survive competition from ignorant religious cultures. Is Israel unable to reach a peace agreement because the Orthodox fanatics make the babies? And the Muslims in Europe?
The only atheistic culture of long standing I know of are Buddhist nations - although you might argue about how real their atheism is. They are stagnant and their 'progress' looks to be consistent with the pallative nature of the religion. Their 'Johnny come lately' technological progress was triggered by competition with Western ( nominative Christian) economies, not the wellsprings of their own culture.
Why did the Soviets give way to a resurgent Russian Orthodox culture? How could such irrationality prevail?
You have no God to protect you or insure the outcome. NOTHING has to happen or succeed. Nothing has to endure or even progress.
The idea that atheism leads to people running naked in the streets, having orgies and being wanton is naive, as is any assured progress.
It just goes nowhere. Nothing much happens. No myths. Enjoy, die, that's that. Ho-hum.