repentance is often not enough...

by oompa 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    you may know i was recently dfd...i am a 4th two sons of course were 5th gen. the oldest a rebel from birth so of course dfd at 17 and he is now 24. my younger son now 22 has been the golden boy for the dubs. pioneered out of HS for 4 years...was a miniserve all that time...and then the holy grail...a year at bethel...i mean the perfect dub!

    well shocker of shocks...he was dfd three weeks ago!!! first time priors...he was doing normal young adult (fun) activities (sins) and it bothered his conscience so he goes to the bros. and confesses and is very sorry. i thought that was the standard to stay in right? esp. not being caught or turned in like king my son was really sorry and it did not matter at all...just dfd...kicked to the curb.

    apparently those are three strikes against you when you confess your sins 1. pioneer, 2. miniserve, 3. bethel any one of these "reaching out" activities mean you are held to some higher standard not found in the bible. lol kind of funny...rather that earn you points so to speak...these activities can be your death sentence if you do wrong (have fun)

    sadly my youngest really wants back in...but for the time being me and both sons are all dfd!!!!.......................oompa

  • tenyearsafter

    Hi oompa!...good to see you on here posting...hopefully all is healing well!

    I knew of a similar situation where a then PO elder who had never so much as had a hint of scandal, was DF'ed for "gross sin" despite being repentant. The reason for the lack of mercy?...because he was the PO, he had to be made an example to the congregation! Though I am not aware of the exact "sin", I believe it had to do with having a cyber affair with someone from a chatroom. The "adultery" was never consummated since they never met in person. Weird, huh? He wanted to be reinstated from the git go, but they made him wait for over a year before he got back in.

    I hope your son reviews his options before he reinstates...


  • thetrueone

    I think it all depends on what was the Sin in question, such activity like smoking, maybe slight drug use, conduct unbecoming of a Christian,

    usually gets a DA, even if there is repentance for the action.

    Things like adultery, fornication, strong adamant of apostasy against the organization, usually ends up with a DF, even if there

    is probable repentance. I've seen PO DFed who have been JW all their lives, Bethelites who served for many years all who have been Dfed.

    Your right though Oompa there is no points system for lengthly devoted good work.

    by the way good to see you post a comment once again !

    Hows your health coming along ?

  • flipper

    OOMPA- Well I think it's time to look at the silver lining in the cloud here. At least BOTH of your sons are out of the mind control cult thinking of Jehovah's Witnesses. Although your ex-wife may shun your DFed sons- now is the time you have a golden opportunity to be a good balanced, calming influence in your son's lives by showing them unconditional support and love. Because their JW mom may not do that - you may save your one son from returning back to the cult. Something you really need to think about. Take advantage of this opportunity while you have it

  • TheClarinetist

    Sorry (and happy) to hear about that Oompa... I hope it works out all right.

    @TheTrueOne: At the risk of sounding stupid... What do you mean DA? I usually associate that with Disassociation, but that doesn't fit in this context.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I was chairman of a JC of a young virgin pioneer sister. Another elder on the committee wanted to make an example of her to the other young people. Sad to say he won the day over my protests by "going over my head." She was only publicly reproved in this case and not DF'ed. But the point stands that the elders will bumble the way they do things in order to take the person down a peg.

    As foryour son, the only reason to be DF'ed in his case is his refusal to kiss their asses at the JC. I suppose that they went too far when he confessed by pointing out that he was held up on such a high platform as an example that they had to take him down. It's wrong, it's wrong, it's wrong.

    But as Flipper points out, he's out. Try to help him stay out. Good luck and a toast to you.


    Hey Oompa..

    How are you Bud?..Paris Hilton still talks about you..LOL!!..

    Consider this a blessing..

    Now he can only talk to you and your sons..

    Take advantage of the situation..

    Have him out..Over for dinner..Ect..ect..

    His DFing should be no Surprise..The WBT$ Shoots their Wounded..

    A wounded JW..Going to a JC meeting..

    Where he will be promptly Shot..

    .................... ...OUTLAW

  • thetrueone

    What do you mean DA? I usually associate that with Disassociation

    Thats what I was implying yes and why doesn't that relate to my comment ?

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    I know of an innocent, down to earth, sweet young married couple. No priors if you will. They took a wrong turn, involving morals . The JC had no problem having them confess their sin. Very repentant. Still their heads were put on the chopping block.

    Prior to the annoucement to the congregation and so as not to shock us (as we are close friends) Jim and Sally visited us to informed us that they were being DF'd.

    First question from my wife to them was: Are you both sorry? Answer: A tearful yes from both of them. Another question from my wife: Were you both expecting to be DF'd for the offense? Answer: No.

    My wife then turns to me and asks: Then why are they being DF'd?

    My answer to my wife and to Jim and Sally: Just as we live in a 'sue happy' society, we also are members of a Society (WTBTS) that is 'disfellowship happy' and so are many of the Elder Body in our congregation.

    I personally know the 3 elders on the JC............Jim and Sally didn't stand a chance.

    You are soo right, oompa, repentance is not enough. Too many times JCs want BLOOD!

    Unlike Jesus Christ, Judicial Committees can be mean, spiteful, merciless and harsh. They want you to BLEED!

    Wish you and your sons well.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    OUTLAW: 'The WBT$ Shoots their Wounded..'

    Well said (made me laugh).

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