Their claim, to cover up changed teachings, is that they are always getting closer to the truth. How do we know that the GB is closer now than they were 50 or a hundred years ago? How do we know that the GB hasn't been drifting away for the last 50 years?
How do JW's know that the GB is getting closer to the truth?
by Mad Dawg 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
How do WE know? We know it's a lie.
JW's think they know because the GB tells them so. That's all they need.
It's a cult. -
" How do JW's know that the GB is getting closer to the truth ? "
They don't know. All they know is what's told to them by the GB . And what they are being told is lies so there are 7 million JW's all being duped and deceived at once. How do we know that the GB hasn't been lying right from the beginning just to promote a cult ? ( as OTWO said ) Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Flipper-- Mr Russell did make some errors in the beginning,But how easy is it for an imperfect man to undo 1750 years of lies overnight? How is it he knew years before that in the fall of 1914 peace would be taken away from the earth? In Peters book after Jesus died satan entered and had certain teachers teaching lies that Peter had to correct-Why did satan keep attacking the israelites to fall out of Gods grace over and over until finally they had Gods son killed? Here is why-satan attacks Gods religion-He owns every other one he infiltrated every other one centuries ago and the false teachings are never corrected- Peter showed what would occur in Gods true religion-corrections would be made in front of the hearts of the ridiculers. And One cannot be possibly right unless corrections of the mistakes are made-and in the end Jesus will prove to be with the ones who made the corrections.
onthewayout-- I will take my chances at judgement 7 days a week with a religion that made mistakes and corrected them, i would never go to judgement with disunified religions that shove the teachings of Jesus aside and kill one another for a man made word patriotism, Millions upon millions slaughtered, not to mention all of the family lines cut off as well. Not to mention the teachers failing to warn them about the false god worship practices the world added to their holy days. We shall see who satan owns.
Yan Bibiyan
Hmm..that's some deep stuff up there.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Can you elaborate?
KJW53- Peace was taken away from the earth for thousands of years BEFORE 1914 if you check history. The inquisitions, thousands dying in the American Civil war in the 1860's. Earthquakes happened too in the 1500's & 1600's but you nver heard about them as much because there was NO Internet or news media. Russell got HIS information on the " last days " from the second advenist church which I believe JW's would refer to as " false religion ". And the second advenists said the last days started in 1844. Google it on the Internet and check it out. So if Russell got his teachings from " false religion " then how do you know that his followers who became Jehovah's Witnesses even HAVE what's called the " truth " ? It's been 132 years since Russell started and I believe that's much LONGER than what Jesus called a " generation " in his time. Think about it.
The WT society hasn't made any corrections- they've just extended the date of Armageddon or " God's destruction of wicked " to accomodate their duping and deceiving of JW's year after year so as to continue collecting $$$$ from donations , estates, inheritances, and life insurance policies of current older Jehovah's Witnesses and other Witnesses to keep their financial organization afloat. I give you the bottom line
jean-luc picard
I'm sorry kjw53 but:
i would never go to judgement with disunified religions that shove the teachings of Jesus aside and kill one another
Many of us here feel that jws "kill" each other emotionally speaking, by the thousands, maybe millions.
Just read the posts and see how
many family lines cut off as well
there are.
Oh but yes of course, thats all our fault.
They know that the GB are getting closer to the truth, because
A) The GB tells them (indoctrination)
B) They hear this message repeated multiple times every week by everyone they know (brainwashing)
C) They have to agree or else they have wasted many years following liars (you don't leave a large investment)
D) They have to agree or else Jehovah will destroy them at Armageddon (fear)
E) They have to agree or their family and friends will no longer talk to them (social pressure)