How do JW's know that the GB is getting closer to the truth?

by Mad Dawg 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • thetrueone

    The WTS doctrines have always been established for commercial reasons to create a sense of public appeal and to cultivate attention.

    Remembering that the WTS is a publishing house that claims that they are the only organization that god uses to distribute

    his message through his holy spirit. Its really a legal arrangement with governments such as in the US to do so without little if any control

    by the government itself. JWS believe that the GB or FDSL or the chosen ones designated by god himself, being thats so

    the JWs are willing to accept any information new or changing as new light that keeps getting brighter and into focus

    as time presses on. This as the WTS. says in proclamation, is the earthly arrangement. There is no other arrangement on earth.

    A other way of looking at its all a pretentious made up fraud that some people have fallen into thinking thats its a better way to

    live and may even be life saving into the future. The core soul of this organization is that it is and always will be a publishing

    corporation that was established to sell literature and to procure a semblance of power for the men who were also editing and

    writing the varied pieces of literature, a self built kingdom unto itself, made by men for men.

  • the-illuminator81

    @ KJW53

    If someone offers you an apple, and you take a look in the fruit bowl and see that all the apples are rotten, would you take the least rotten one? Or would you simply refuse to take an apple?

  • wobble

    JW's are told by the GB that these "refinements" or at best "new understandings" (never flip-flop, 180 degree turn) are from Jehovah, so in their minds, they must be getting closer to the "Truth" ,whatever that is.

    To believe that baloney you have to be pretty naive.

    Which JW's are.

  • Listener

    kjw53 said - Peter showed what would occur in Gods true religion-corrections would be made in front of the hearts of the ridiculers.

    Could you explain (in context) where this was done? Are you saying that Peter demonstrated that errors and lies would be made from the wrong interpretations of the bible by his followers but then corrected later in front of non-believers who doubted their original words and therefore had reason to ridicule a falsity?

  • inbetween

    The point is, nobody would object to corrections of understanding in itself. Its rather a humble approach, that would even be typical for a genuine searcher of truth.

    The society likes to paint themselves this way. However, reality is different, because

    1) they never say , something was wrong, now its right, or that they got it wrong the first time, no the call it "refinement" and "new light". Those words are used to cover up what it really was, namely error.

    2) they demand absolute obedience to current understanding, they do not allow questioning them or even making your own research. The warning against independent thinking are to be found time and again in their literatur. Disagreement, even if later on may become "new light", is punished with shunning.

    3) they claim to be Gods only channel of communication. Such a high claim must stand up to closest scrutiny. Any critisizm should be easily dismissed, and evdence of Gods direction should be clear and overwhelming. The opposite is true, unfortunately.

    KJW53, you also said:

    I will take my chances at judgement 7 days a week with a religion that made mistakes and corrected them, i would never go to judgement with disunified religions that shove the teachings of Jesus aside and kill one another for a man made word patriotism, Millions upon millions slaughtered, not to mention all of the family lines cut off as well. Not to mention the teachers failing to warn them about the false god worship practices the world added to their holy days. We shall see who satan owns.

    It is true, organized religion brought lots of pain to mankind, besides some good things as well. Whether JW are, considering their size, causing as much evil as others, is often a matter of viewpoint. You also can not excuse a thief by saying, well a murderer is much worse. What is wrong is wrong, no matter if big or little.

    Also you state the premise, that religions will be judged by God. This is often used by JW. However, God will judge individuals not organizations.

  • OnTheWayOut
    onthewayout-- I will take my chances at judgement 7 days a week with a religion that made mistakes and corrected them, i would never go to judgement with disunified religions that shove the teachings of Jesus aside and kill one another for a man made word patriotism, Millions upon millions slaughtered, not to mention all of the family lines cut off as well. Not to mention the teachers failing to warn them about the false god worship practices the world added to their holy days. We shall see who satan owns.

    I am not sure why that was directed at me. But here goes:

    If we face a "judgement" anything like what Christianity teaches, you don't have to be connected to any religion. I would not stand with Catholicism, Protestantism, nor Jehovah's Witnessism. They are all fleecers of the flock, using people to their own advantage.

    If the God of the Bible judges people, then I would stand alone before Him and say He is disqualified to judge me. Oh, I don't have His power, but I never killed an entire people and spared their young daughters to become the rape property of those that I used to kill their parents. I never had the power to end rampant suffering and individual suffering due to disease, disaster, etc. and stood by doing nothing.

    I know I could go on and on, but that's enough for you to argue about. I would tell such a God to smite me and be done with it. But if you want to follow Him, then don't stand by Jehovah's Witnesses who destroy families and allow children to die over blood, then take the moral high ground and claim that all other religions are "of Satan."

  • NomadSoul

    Hahahaha, I'm Archiving this Gif.

  • jeckle

    Not that it matters but i also happen to believe jdubs are wrong about the cross, the 144,000 interpretation, trinity beliefs of other christians, great crowd and other sheep ( 2 or 3 daisy chained scriptures that dont say anything like they tell you)interpretations, fds, disfellowshipping. and thats enough for me. But I'm a newbie so I don't count.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    kjw53 - "I will take my chances at judgement 7 days a week with a religion that made mistakes and corrected them" ... it isn't a case of correcting mistakes but rather making ad hoc adjustments to rationlize and if possible rescue failed expectations, which the passage of time had already invalidated.

    The Society's history shows that such replacements have to date been as mistaken as the ones they replaced.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    But I'm a newbie so I don't count.

    Nobody counts any more or less than anyone else. It is what you say that matters and you are absolutely correct about the Borg.

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