At one point in my life I chose to stop listening to my religion's advice to not research outside of their framework. About the time I made that decision was when the gay marriage debate was going very strong; and still is to this day. Back then I felt like my state of California was leading the front on it to stop the bigotry and oppression once and for all.
It was a hot topic for me because I was questioning the Bible and my faith so I started researching the Science of Homosexulality. To me, if homosexuality can be explained scientifically then it would help the gay community's cause by nullifying the Bible; or at the very least nullify the verses explicitly daming homosexuality.
In my experience, homophobia is almost always connected to a religious faith, the most common being Christianity in my country. The Bible's choice of language when describing homosexuality is extremely strong and is what gives energy to the Christian Right and similar extreme ends of the Religious Spectrum. If homosexulaity can be scientifically proven to be biologically natural, it should then rightly not be considered an indulgence in wrongdoing.
To me, the answer to this question would prove the Bible as false because it would expose the writer's ignorance to biology therefore could not be God's word.
But finding the answer proved very difficult. I came across a peculiar problem while attempting to find out the answer. Many have brought up an odd, yet interesting, counter argument: If homosexuality can be scientifically explained then how do we know it's not a mental disorder?
At this point the humanitarian aspect of the science of homosexuality takes a turn because this is a valid point and merrits consideration. Science cannot abandon it's methods because of humanitarian cause or anything for that matter.
At this point how does the science of homosexuality move on objectively? As long as Christianity, with it's full spectrum, exists then the Christian Right will always say that homosexuality is a mental disorder and they will assemble psuedo-scientists to add credibility to their agument. They will not be defeated because they cannot allow their sacred text to go down. They will go down first.